20. Charms

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Dear Hope,

                    I'm so glad that you are enjoying your new school! I know you have been sending me Owl's for a while now, but these things are still tricky I tell you. Nearly bit Calums figure off the other day, but I blame him more than the owl. 

                Anyway, I'm so glad to hear you and your friends are doing great! I can't wait to meet them. Lotte and Gemma have been around just wanting to check up on you. It's a hard lie we are selling them but they said they missed you and wish you the best. 

               I'm kinda glad your out of the house at the moment, although I still miss you. With the boys on tour, I thought I would have an easy household to run. But I thought wrong. Do you remember how Ashton, Michael, Calum, and Luke were doing those videos on youtube? Well, they just got their first gig, and as much as I'm excited about it, turns out it's me who has to help them because they are much too young to do it on their own. Thats right mamma bear is now the proud manager of 5 Seconds of Summer. I had to do something while your father was away with the other boys, so guess this is it!

             Well, thats enough of your mother's rambling. I hope you're doing well and please send me a letter soon! I miss you so much it hurts.

All the love,


P.S. You want to send me some of that food?


P.P.S. Did you take my Greenday shirt I can't find it?


P.P.S.S You're annoying 

All the love, 

Michael & Calum.

I rolled my eyes at what Michael and Calum wrote. To think I was related to those two will always be a mystery to me. But nevertheless, what my mum sent was shocking news. I knew my dad was planning on leaving his job to help my brothers, but now my mum? We're going to become the UK's version of the Kardashians! And with all due respect, I mean that in the worst way possible. I did not need this added stress of dodging pap's when I have to go to a school like this one. And I certainly didn't need this news while drinking my morning tea.

Even more so I didn't need Lavander Brown to let out the loudest ear-piercing scream imaginable across from me.

"OMG!" Lavender yelled out clutching her mail in her hands "I can't believe it!"

"Did your parents finally disown you?" George asked on the other side of her 

"NO!" She yelled at him "My mum got me tickets to see One Direction when I go home for break!"

Oh, fuck me. This was not good. My eye's widened at her news as she sat there with a happy grin plastered on her face looking at the letter.

"Whats One Direction?" Fred asked her 

"Its the best boy band in the world!" Lavender told him "I've listened to their whole album at least a million times!" She has in fact done that. As one of her dorm mates, I can testify to having to hear my brothers singing love songs to girls for about a million times now.

"They can't beat The Weird Sisters," Pavarti told her 

"Oh they do," Lavender told her "Oh maybe I'll get to meet them and Liam will fall in love with me! Better yet, Zayn!"

Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Hermione scrunching up her brows as she sat in deep thought. Then it hit her like a title wave as her eyes expanded and her mouth dropped in shock.

"Oh my god," Hermione said before she looked at me "Oh my god!"

"What's up with you Hermione?" Ron asked her 

"Yeah, are you a fan as well?" Fred asked her with a laugh 

"Oh my god" Was the only thing she could reply with "You-"

"Yes!" I screamed out covering her mouth "Hermione is a big fan! You know what, I think I need to help her cool down, come on now"

I quickly pulled her out of her seat as I raced her out of the great hall before she spilled my secret. Once we down a quiet hall I stopped to turn around to look at her as she had the same shocked face.

"You may say it now," I told her with a sigh 

"Your One Directions little sister!" She whispered yelled "How did I not see it before. It's all my older cousin could talk about"

"Yes, I am," I told her "But please don't tell anyone! I don't need that getting out"

"Why not? It's wicked cool" Hermione told me with a smile 

"Because I got enough heat at my old school for being their sister, people wanting to be my friend just because of it," I told her with a sigh "And now my other brothers are starting a project, and my home life's just crazy busy at the moment. So I just want Hogwarts to be for me, a place where I'm just normal Hope again. So can you please keep my secret?"

"Of course," Hermione said giving me a big smile "I respect your decision, you wanting your privacy is something you deserve"

"Thank you," I told her giving her a smile as well

"However, If you could get me a sighed copy of your brother's album, then I can get my cousin the best Christmas gift ever," She said jumping up and down 

"I'll see what I can do," I told her with a laugh 

"Oh, goodie!" Hermione said as she stoped jumping "Now let's go before we are late to class"


"On of a wizards mosy rudimentary skills is Levitation," Professor Flitwick told us "Or the ability to make objects fly. Uh, do you all have your feathers? Good. Now, don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing, hmm? The swish and flick. Everyone"

"Swish and flick," We all said as we moved our wands 

"Good. Oh, and enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa" Flitwick said "Off you go then"

I was sat next to Harry as we both took out our wands. We both struggled to try and get our feathers up, but it was no use.

"Well done Miss Granger" We looked over at Flitwik's words to see Hermione had got here feather up "See class! Oh, splendid!"

"Windgard Leviosa. Windgard Leviosa" Seamus said and I don't know how, but his feather exploded at his words. 

"I think we are going to need another feather over here, Professor" Harry informed him 


Hermione and I walked together after class. Me and her hand become a lot closer since the start of term. She was a really fun person to talk to and it was nice having a girl friend again. Ron and Harry were great, but they wouldn't talk about how hot Oliver Wood was with me. 

I was complimenting her on how well she did in class today when we overheard the boys in front of us talking.

"She's a nightmare, honestly," Ron told the boys as they started to laugh "No wonder she hasn't got any friends"

At his words, Hermione ran forward a bit as she pushed past the boys with visible tears in her eyes. 

"I think she heard you" Harry informed him 

"Yes, she did," I said stepping in front of them "That was mean of you, Ron! Hermione was only trying to help you today in class, and this is how you thank her? And she does to have friends, and I won't let you talk to her like that"

I quickly ran off to try and find my hurt friend. No one deserved to be treated like that, much less Hermione. Hopefully, I could find her before the feast tonight and enjoy a nice Halloween. 

My Nine Brothers~ One Direction & 5sos & Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now