117. A Very, Very, Very Bad Plan

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"This is so stupid," I was on watch as we waited for Ministery workers to come by. "I mean honestly, do we think this will end well?"

"We have to try," Harry told me as they waited next to me, hidden by the wall.

I watched as a man walked by. I remembered seeing him in the Daily Prophet some time ago. He was featured in some article for the Ministry. 

"Hello Mister," I called out to him as he walked by me. "Do you have a moment to spare to hear about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ?"

"Not today," He waved me off.

"Well, sorry for this then," I raised my wand as I cast a sleeping charm on him. Ron came out as he dragged his body inside of the building. "Well, one down two to go."

"What about you?" Ron asked as he dropped the body on the ground.

"Perks of no one knowing who I am," I smirked at me. "Don't have to go through that rotten transition again."

"Lucky," Ron mumbled.

"Shhh, someones coming," Harry whispered.

"Hi mama, would you like to learn about how phones can kill you?"

I repeated my process until we had the three ministry workers we needed to get into the place. Hermione pulled out her extra viles of Pollyjuice potions as they each picked a hair off of their persons head.

"Right, remember what we said," Hermione handed the boys their villas. "Don't speak to anyone unless absolutely necessary. Just try and act normal."

"This is not normal," I shook my head as I held up a pencil skirt. "And I hate wearing this shit."

"Well, your now an intern in the Ministry," Hermione rolled her eyes at me. "So act like it."

"All right, I'll act like Percy," I huffed out as I changed into my outfit. 

Once we were all dressed and ready to go, we made our way out of the abandoned building. We walked down the street to where the access room was for workers in the Ministry. I had never seen it before, but it could not be that bad.

"Why are they all standing outside of the loo?" I whispered to Hermione.

"It's how you get in," She told me.

Shit, I was so wrong. We waited in the line to get into the stalls. As the flushing noise came, you knew it was your turn to go. And when it was mine, I looked over to Hermione who simply said.


I closed the door behind me as I looked to the toilet.

"This is so fucking gross," I gagged a bit as I stepped into the toilet. I mean- and I know I say this a lot- but what the fuck is my life. What has it come to? I mean, I could be living a life as an Instagram star because of my brothers. I could be making millions just by posting a picture for their adoring fans to see. But nope, I'm standing in a piss bowl about to flush myself into the Ministry.

"Fuck it," I pulled on the string as it sent me flying down a tight tube. I emerged out the other side in a flash of green where the rows of fireplaces sat. I looked around a bit before I spotted Hermione a little way up looking at something. I followed her there as I noticed it was a new statue that had been placed in the center of the building for all to see. 

"Are those..." Harry gulped as he came to stand by us.

"Muggles," Hermione a heartbreaking voice. "In their... rightful place."

"Got to tell you," Ron looked around a bit as he got to us. "I'm starting to freak out a bit."

"Starting too?" I questioned him. "This whole place gives off Communist vibes."

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