67. Spying

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"She's gone mad."

"Well, we knew she would go mad eventually."

"Yeah, but at such a young age."

"Do you think we should get her a spa day?"

"How the fuck is a spa day supposed to help her?"

"I don't know, relaxing stuff."

"Will you guys shut up," I snapped as I looked up at my doorway. Harry, Niall, Luke, and Ashton pretended to be looking elsewhere and not at me. You know, the person they were just so openly talking about in front of. "Why are you guys watching me like some reality TV show. Don't you guys have some sappy love song to write or a tour to be on?"

"First off, those sappy love songs fund most of your nice things," Niall told me. "And second, we have two weeks off to work some things out for next year."

"What is there to work out? You guys want to go on a break," I pointed out as I stood up from my floor. Putting my books back in their place on my shelf. "What place you want to buy a new million-pound house or fancy private resort you're going to visit."

Ashton scoffed a bit, "Wish we got enough money for that."

"Maybe if you didn't sing about underwear in the beginning, you would," I sassed at them.

"Hey, we wrote that song," Luke pouted. "And you said you liked it!"

"Yeah, when I was 12 and didn't know about the underlining meanings of your songs," I told them as I crossed my arms over my chest. "Now why are you-"

"WELL WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU TELL ME THAT, ZAYN!" I heard Louis yelled down the hall.


"It was either watch you lose your mind, or listen to them fight more," Harry told me.

"Yeah, Calum, Liam, and Michael drew the short straw on keeping tabs on them," Ashton said as he looked around my room. "You know, your room is quite small."

"Yeah, it's what I get for being the only girl," I said.

"You could probably take over one of our rooms, we don't really live here anymore," Luke pointed out.

"I'm fine with my small room for the summer," I shrugged. "So, you just planning on watching me all day as I look through my school studies?"

"Well, maybe we want to learn about your studies," Ashton countered as he crossed his arms. "You know, that charms stuff sounds inter-"



I heard some shuffling as Calum join in with us, "Michael and I have a bet, see which one kills the other faster. You want in on it?"

Harry rolled his eyes, "Calum we are not betting on our brothers-"

"20 on Zayn," Niall told him as Harry threw his hands up in the air. "What? He's scrawny, but he gave a mean wedgie back in the day."

"I don't know, Louis did have a mean punch growing up," Ashton pulled a face at the memory of Louis punching him hard in the arm as a kid.

I started to walk out of my room as I pushed past the boys.

"Where are you going?" Luke asked me.

"To stop them," I informed them as I walked around the corner and over to Louis and Zayn's old room. Liam and Michael stood there with their ears pressed up agents the door. "What are you two doing?"

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