97. Liquid Luck Part 1

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"Why must it be so early?" I groaned as I dragged my feet through the dungeons.

"Hope, you have had classes this early before," Hermione rolled her eyes as she grabbed my arm, pulling me to walk faster. "Hurry up or we will miss all the good spots."

"We have never had potions this early," I pointed out to her. "And what good spots? We are just going to sit and do nothing today."

"I'm talking about the good table with no wobbly chairs," Hermione huffed out as we made our way closer to the classroom.

"Oh yeah," I laughed a bit. "You would think with all the magic we have, we could fix some wobbly chairs."

Hermione let go of my arm as we walked into class. She got that very excited look in her eyes when she saw we were the first ones here. She quickly rushed over to the good table as I followed suit after her. I tossed my bag on the floor as I folded my arms on the table and rested my head on them. Maybe a couple of extra minutes of sleep would make up for this. Maybe I could use this time to plot Ron and Harry's death for not getting O's on their positions OWL's last year and leaving me to suffer all alone.

"Ah! Good morning ladies," I looked up as I spotted our new position professor, Slughorn, walking in with a book under his right arm.

"Good morning professor," Hermione smiled at him as I waved my hand. It's the best I could do this early in the morning. "I'm Hermione, Hermione Granger."

"Well it's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Granger," Slughorn smiled at her before he looked at me. "And who might you be?"

"Hope Stylinson," I gave him a polite smile as I sat up more.

"Merlins Beard," Slughorn's eyes expanded a bit as he looked at me. "Why, it's a pleasure to have you in my class Miss Stylinson, I have heard all about your accomplishments and your gifts! I'm just delighted I get the chance to teach you something, hopefully, things you don't already know. I mean, I got to see your OWL's, and it's a rarity students get as high of scores as your own."

"Thank you," I let out a nervous giggle as I felt Hermione's eyes burning into the side of my head. I was just so glad that more students started to walk in now.

"Oh, Good morning!" Slughorn walked away to greet them as they entered the class.

"What does he mean your OWL scores?" Hermione asked me. "You said you got decent marks."

"I did," I told her as I pulled out my textbook.

"No teacher praises a student over decent grades," Hermione scoffed as I rolled my eyes. "Hope, why won't you tell me what you got?"

"Because you will get upset with me," I mumbled.

"No I won't," Hermione said as I looked over at her. "I promise I won't."

I let out a sigh, "I got all O's."

"YOU GOT ALL-" I quickly put my hand over her mouth so she wouldn't inform the whole ass school.

"Hermione, keep it down," I hissed at her as I pulled my hand away.

"Sorry," Hermione said sheepishly. "But how did you get all O's? I didn't even get all O's and I'm top of the class."

"Because I sorta cheated," I told her.

"YOU CH-" I put my hand over her mouth again as her eyes widened.

"You need to stop doing that," I narrowed my eyes at her as I pulled my hand away. "And before you ask, no not the normal cheering. But every time I would look at an answer or have to do a practical, my brain would show me what I needed to do even if I didn't know. So, I didn't tell you because it's not something to brag about that I get extra help because of my weird Bis Benedi powers."

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