65. Needles

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I thought when summer came around, I could distract myself. Going on tour again, writing to my friends, maybe even seeing George when I could. But thats sadly not what happened when I came home three weeks ago.

Mum was home from any of the tours as she wanted to stay home with Zayn and I. Zayn was at the house because he didn't want to go back to his own home because it reminded him of Perrie. A story I have yet to hear as to why he ended his four-year relationship and engagement too. But I wasn't mad about any of that as it was nice to finally spend a summer at my house. Seeing Lottie and Gemma, well, when I could find the will to get out of bed.

As for my other friends and my supposed boyfriend, it was radio silence. I got no letters, no calls, no nothing from any of them. Besides Harry, he sent a couple of letters asking about what I thought was going on. Truth was, I have no clue why they were not contacting us. George, most of all, should have sent me something, anything. But nope.

"Hope," Mum shook my body as I laid on my bed, curled up in a ball with three blankets over my already warm body. "Love, you need to get up."

"Why?" I mumbled as I turned over to look up at her. "Nothing to do, nowhere to be. Might as well spend my summer in my bed."

Mum rolled her eyes at me as she pulled my blankets off me. "You haven't changed your clothes in a week, not to mention I have not seen you take one shower since you got home. You're not eating, and when you do, its barley enough to sustain you. You need to get out of bed!"

"I don't want to," I whined as I tried to grab my blankets back. "Mum, I'm fine."

"No, you're not," She huffed as she threw my blankets onto the floor where I could not reach. "Now I get it, sweetie, I really do. Your processing a lot of grief right now, but this is not healthy. I have let this slide for the past month, just hoping you could pull your self out in your own time. Because I know your strong and brave. If any of my children had to go threw what you have had to and pull out the other end a better person, it's you, Hope. But it's time I step in. Now, I have to go run some errands. And when I get back, I want you out of this bed and... showered god damn it!"

I rolled my eyes as my mom left my room. I don't know why she cared so much if I got out of my bed or not. It's not like I cared whether or not I stunk.

I sniffed the air around me as I gaged. Maybe I did.

I pushed myself out of bed, stretching a bit as I did so. I shuffled my way out of my room and down the hall to the bathroom.

Looking in the mirror was like staring at a different version of myself. I had dark circles under my eyes and my god, my hair. My hair looked like it was starting to form dreads themselves. This was going to be a long shower.

I swear I spent a good 30 minutes coming out my hair under the water. Knots upon knots were in there. But I could say this shower did wonders as my shaved legs now felt smooth and nice. I threw on one of my brother's old baggy shirts and a pair of shorts.

I walked down the stairs as I dried my hair off with a towel. The TV was on as Zayn sat on the couch with sweats on.

"Whatcha watching?" I leaned over the couch to look down at him.

"Gavin and Stacy," Zayn looked up at me. "You're looking better, though. Finally left your room."

"Yeah, mum made me," I told him.

"Well, you feel up for doing some healing shit?" He asked.

"What kinda healing shit?" I asked.


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