22. Gameday

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As we went into November everyone was excited. It was the start of Quidditch season, and first up was Gryffindor vs. Slytherin. Now I didn't know much about this game, but what I did know is that we needed to win. Everyone was excited; well except for a certain boy with glasses.

"Take a bit of toast, mate. Go on," Ron tried to encourage him to eat.

"Ron's right Harry. You're going to need your strength today" Hermione told him 

"I'm not hungry," Harry told them 

"Good luck today, Potter" We all looked up wide-eyed to see Snape standing behind Harry "Then again now that you have proven yourself against a troll, a little game of Quidditch should be easy work for you... Even if it is against Slytherin" and then he was off, like a bat. 

"That explains the blood," Harry said 

"I knew he was a vampire," I said wide-eyed

"What?" Harry asked me

"Huh... Oh, we had different thoughts. Continue with your's" I told him taking a bite of my eggs

"Okay, listen. Last night, I'm guessing Snape let the Troll in as a diversion so he could try and get past that 3-headed dog" Harry told us "But he got himself bitten. That's why he's limping"

"Oh we definitely had different thoughts," I said shaking my head 

"But why would anyone go near that dog?" Hermione asked him 

"The day I was at Gringotts, Hagrid took something out of one of the vaults. Said it was Hogwarts business, very secret" Harry told us his theory 

"So you're saying..."Hermione tried to wrap her brain around the whole thing

"Thats what the Dog's guarding," Harry said with confidence "That's what Snape wants"

Soon Harry owl Hedwig came into the room as she dropped off a large package in front of Harry. And you could already tell what it was 

"Bit early for mail, isn't it?" Hermione asked 

"But, I-I never get mail," Harry said 

"Well then open it up," I told him with a smile

Harry quickly went to unwrapping it as a shiny brand new broom came out of the package.

"Its a broomstick," Harry said with a smile 

"Thats not just any broomstick," Ron said shaking his head "It's a Nimbus 2000!"

"Wicked," I said looking at it "Oh Harry you're going to do great now!"

"I hope so," Harry said transfixed by the broom.


"So let me get this straight," I said looking at Ron as we stood in the stands "The object of the game is to score points. And you do that by getting the ball into one of those three hoops. But the game doesn't end till the seeker catching the snitch. But there are also beaters that are there to hit balls at you and knock you off your broom?"

"Yeah, you got it," Ron told me with a smile 

"And what lunatic created this game?" I asked him 

"Oh come on now, just watch it. I bet you will like it" Ron said as the players came onto the pitch 

"Sure," I said rolling my eyes as I watched the teams circle the pitch on their brooms. The crowd cheered as they got into starting position. Hooch stepped into the middle of the field as the players circled up.

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