52. World Cup

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It was way to god damn early to be up at a time like this. Fuck, the sun wasn't even up yet. But for some reason, I was being led across the hills on a hike to get to the cup. The players better be hot if I have to put this much effort into this.

"Ron, where are we actually going?" Harry asked the tried boy.

"Don't know," Ron said. "Hey, dad! Where are we going?"

"Haven't the foggiest. Keep up!" Arthur told him.

"Great, we're being lead into a forest with no destination," I said.

It was a good, I'm going to estimate here, 10 hours before we got somewhere. Okay, maybe not ten, but it sure felt like it.

"Arthur!" I heard a man yelled in the distance as we got closer. "It's about time, son."

"Sorry, Amos. Some of us had a bit of a sleepy start," Arther was definitely directing it to us in the back. "This is Amos Diggory, everyone. Works with me at the Ministry."

Soon a boy I was all too familiar with fell out of the tree. Oh, this was well worth it.

"This strapping young man must be Cedric, am I right?" Arther asked as he shook his hand.

"Yes, sir," Cedric told him before he peered over to look at me. A big bright smirk crossing his face as he bit his lip a bit. Oh fuck, I was going to melt like putty in his hands. He strutted over to me as the dad talked about something, I don't honestly know dad talk. All I cared about was him, looking at me, while he looked like that. "Hey Hope"

"Hey, Ced," Ced? What the fuck was I thinking! I didn't even ask him for permission to give him a nickname.

"You look beautiful, even on a morning like this," Cedric told me.


George cleared his throat, cutting me off as he did so, "You know she is beautiful, but have you met her brothers before? They don't like boys being around her, especially ones they haven't met before."

"Actually, I have met two of them," Cedric kept the same smirk on his face as George's face was set hard as they had some sort of staring competition. "They seemed to like me, though."

"You got two of them to like you?!" Ron looked pissed and annoyed at this. "I've been trying for about four years now, and I'm one of Hope's best friends."

"Ron, they do like you," I told him. "They just don't like boys being around me in general."

"Apparently, they like some," Ron muttered. I don't think he will ever get over my brother's protections over men. Trust me, I still haven't got over them doing it.

"Come on, kids, no time to waste standing about!" Arther yelled at us.

I started to walk forward as I saw Cedric in my peripheral vision come on the left side of me. I gave him a smile as our arms brushed agent one another. But then I felt someone else slip their arm around my shoulder from the other side. I looked over as I noticed it had been George. Great Godric, now he was trying to prevent me from talking to a guy?! I mean what even is my life at this point.

"Yes, it's, uh, just over there," Amos pointed to the top of a small hill as we all started to climb up it.

"We don't want to be late," Arther told us. "Come on. Nearly there now."

I squinted my eyes a bit as we all started to walk towards... a boot?

"Why are they all standing around that manky old boot?" Harry asked.

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