131. Kiwi

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Two very notable things came from our week-long honeymoon in Barbuda.

One, George's pale ass got sunburnt on the first day. It may have been my fault because I wanted to nap in one of the hammocks. But in my defense, we had shade when we fell asleep and I made sure he was wearing sunscreen. When we woke up though, George was bright ass red. My poor husband also had a pale outline on the left side of his body where mine laid on top of him. So, being the amazing wife I am, I rubbed his body in aloe vera that night while he pouted and ate some icecream. Very romantic of us I must say.

Oh yeah, and the second thing.

"Were back!" I yelled into my mother's house as Doris and Ernest let go of my hands, running over to the kitchen to get some snacks. I followed them in to see my mother cooking dinner, a smile on her face as the twins ran up to her.

"How was your day today?" Mum tapped her wooden spoon on the side of the pot.

"Hope took us to the park and then we got sweets!" Ernest held up his bag of sugar-free treats they had picked out. I would never do that to my mother, get two children all sugared up then drop them off. I'm not Niall. 

"I got rainbow ones," Doris opened up her own bag to show mum.

"Well isn't that great, why don't you two give me those and you can get cleaned up for supper," Mum took their bags as she put them onto of the fridge. Doris and Ernest taking off towards the bathroom to wash their hands. "Did they wear you out today?"

"Fuck yeah," I sighed as I sat down on the barstool. "How did you do this with so many children? Those two have so much energy and not even I can keep up with them"

"Because I'm super mummy," Mum gave me a wink before she turned back to the stove. 

I put my elbows on the table as I pushed the hair out of my face. Making a sour face as my stomach twisted in knots.

"You feeling alright?" Mum raised a brow as she poured her famous soup into a bowl. Walking over as she placed it down in front of me. 

"Ew, what the fuck," I cupped my face as I tried not to barf at the smell. "What's in that?"

"I haven't changed anything," Mum pushed the bowl away from me. Walking over to me she placed the back of her hand on my forehead. "Well, you don't have a fever. How are you feeling right now?"

"Tried and like I'm going to puke my guts out," I groaned as I placed a hand on my stomach.

"When did this start?" Mum asked.

"I don't know, when you placed that nasty bowl of soup in front of me," I waved my hand at it. 

"Oh my," Mum gasped as she took a step back, looking me up and down. "Hope, have you gotten your period since you got back from your honeymoon?"

"I don't know," I panicked as I pulled my phone out. Opening up the app I tracked my period with as my eyes widened. "Oh fuck me. I was supposed to get it last week."

"Okay, okay, let's not jump the gun," Mum was trying to hold back a smile as I was hyperventilating. "You could not be pregnant."

"B-B-but I'm a good child," My hand griped the counter tightly. "I used protection, unlike Louis and Liam!"

"Darling thats how I got pregnant with you," Mum patted my shoulder as she shook her head. 

"Mum I can not be pregnant, I'm only 19!" I really started to panic at this point. Breathing in and out deeply. 

"You're going to be fine," She tried to reassure me. "Listen I still have some pregnancy test upstairs in my bathroom. Why don't you take one of those before you start to panic."

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