6. Just Dance

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Hope's POV

"NO!" I yelled as I ran away from my mum 

"Hope Jordan Stylinson!" Mum yelled as she heled a tutu in her hands "You get your but down here and in your costume right now!"

"No!" I yelled running up the stairs 

Mum had the brilliant idea of putting me in a dance class this year. It was fun at first because Gemma was in the class with me, but as the weeks went on and they made us practice a silly dance I realized one thing. I. Suck. At. DANCING!

It was horrid and embarrassing for me to even step foot into the dance studio every day.  Gemma and I were also placed in the back for the dance because we simply could not stop laughing at each other. Our dance teacher yelled at us several times for goofing off in class. But for some reason, mum was making me go to this stupid recital that I did not want to go to.

I made a dash down the hall and to the first open room; which so happened to be Harry's and Ashtons. They where both sitting on their beds both on their iPods

"Hope get out!" Harry yelled throwing his pillow at me

"No!" I whisper shouted as I shut their bedroom door "I'm hiding"

"From who?" Ashton asked me 

"From mum," I said with a heavy sigh 

"Aren't you supposed to be getting ready for your dance thing?" Harry asked me 

"Yes, and that is why you must hide me from mum," I told them 

Ashton rolled his eyes at me "Hope it's not that bad"

"Yes, it is," I said narrowing my eyes at him "I don't want to go on stage and embarrass my self in front of everyone!"

"You're not going to embarrass your self," Harry said getting off of his bed and walking over to me "Your going to go on stage for 3 minutes out of the hour production and have fun with Gemma"

"But Harry" I whined 

"No but's," Harry said as he leaned over to be at eye level with me "You have to do this because mum and dad paid money for it"

"But I never asked for this!" I said throwing my hands up in the air 

"Well, after this you can stop," Harry said chuckling at me 

"Yeah and we can get ice cream after," Ashton told me with a smile "Would that help?"

"Yes," I said nodding my head 

"Good," Harry said standing up "Now let's get you to mum before her head explodes"

Harry opened the door as we walked out of his room to see mum searching for me

"There you are!" Mum said as she spotted me "We have ten minutes before we have to leave!"

"Sorry," I said looking down 

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