14. Diagon Ally

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Hope's POV

"Okay Hope, do you have your jumper?" Mum asked as we stood by the front door.

"Yes," I said pulling it over my arms "Mum I don't know if I want to do this anymore"

"What are you talking about?" She asked looking down at me "I thought we talked about this last night and how great of an opportunity it would be"

"Yes, but I won't know anyone there. And I will have to be away from home for so long. And what if this lady is a con artist?" I asked her with a serious face 

"Princess she turned into a cat, she's no con artist," My dad said with a chuckle coming over to us "You will be fine, It will be fun I promise you"

"And if it's not?" I asked 

"Then you can come home and be a boring muggle like the rest of us," My dad said ruffling up my hair 

"Dad" I whined shoving his hand away 

"Okay, we got to go the drive is a long one," Mum said kissing dads check "Make sure the boys don't sleep past noon, they have that meeting today"

"Yes, yes I know," Dad said waving us off "I got this, how hard can it be?"

"Oh I hate it when he askes that" Mum said with a sigh causing me to let out a laugh 

We were soon on our way into London with the radio playing softly in the background. It felt weird because I got to sit in the front, and that never happens. Guess there's another thing I have to get used to, not seeing my siblings as often as I'd like. 

"Okay, so it says this is the place," Mum said as we stood outside of a dingy pub called the Leaky Cauldron. 

"Told you it was a con," I said looking at my mum 

"Hope, we are probably just lost. Let's go in and ask" Mum said grabbing my hand to pull me inside 

As we entered the music seemed to stop as people looked over at us with a questionable look. Mum gulped before she went over to the bartender 

"I'm sorry, but do you know how to get to Diagon Ally?" Mum asked him 

He looked at her then leaned over the bar to look down on me "Ah, I see we got a first year. What's your name?"

"Hope, Hope Stylinson," I told him 

"Well Hope, let me show you guys out back to where you need to go," He said walking around the bar "Fallow me, keep up"

"We are going to die" I whispered 

"Hope," Mum said in a warning tone 

We were lead through the pub and to the back where a giant brick wall stood 

"You might be right," Mum told me 

"Hold on girls, and watch the magic happen," The man said with a chuckle 

He took a wand out of his pocket before he tapped it five times around the brick wall in a circle. Then the bricks started to shift causing mum and me to gasp. The loud chatter of people soon hit our ears and the building looked to be heled up, by magic its self. 

"Have a fun trip, and just tap on the wall when you want to return," The man told us 

"Oh, before you go we were told to go to Gringotts first, where is that exactly?" Mum asked 

"Just straight down the street, it's the giant white building. Hard to miss that one is" He said with a laugh 

"Thank you, sir," I told him as we headed out 

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