122. Evidence leads to a crazy man

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We made our way over the long hills. The Lovegood house sat in the same area of the Weasleys home. I could tell it hurt Ron to be so close, yet so far away from his family. The house- like most wizarding ones I have come to find out- was shaped like a shoe. 

"You're not still mad at him, are you?" Harry whispered as he peered over at Hermione.

"I'm always mad at him," Hermione said. 

I laughed a bit under my breath. It should be a known fact that Ron was always doing something to get under her skin. We stopped next to Ron ontop of one of the hills. 

A smile crept upon his face as we looked at the house, "Luna."

"Luna," We all put on a smile as well, seeing the strange girl's home, that always seemed to put a smile on our faces. 

As we got closer to the house, they had some floating fruit sat around him. A sign reading 'Keep out of the Dirigible Plums.' Yes, this definitely screamed Luna. 

Hermione went first as she knocked on the door.

"Keep off the Dirigible Plums," Ron read the sign I notest. 

"Well, are we shocked really?" I asked.

The front door opened up slowly as Xenophilius came into the sunlight. I had only met the man one other time at Bill and Fleur's wedding, but he did not look well. His hair looked to have not been washed in days, and his eyes had bags under them. He looked a bit sheepish to see us. 

"What is it?" He looked at Hermione. "Who are you? What do you want?"

"Hello, Mr. Lovegood," Harry came up the steps to stand next to Hermione. "I'm Harry Potter. We met a few months ago. Could we come in?"

With a bit of reluctance, he let the four of us into his home. He led us up to the living room, before he gave each of us a cuppa. And in the most awkward moment of my life- and trust me, there have been many. I once walked in on Luke popping a zit on Michael's ass.- we sat in complete silence, just holding our cups. 

"Where is Luna?" Hermione suddenly asked the man. 

"Luna?" Xenophilius had a straight face as he looked over at her. No emotions were viable. It was as if he was numb. "She'll be along."

Then, and I'm not pulling your leg, we all took a sip of tea at the same time. 

"So...How can I help you, Mr. Potter?" Xenophilius decided to ask, because apparently none of us were going to ask first. 

"Well, actually, it was about something you were wearing 'round your neck at the wedding," Harry turned in his seat to face the man. "It was a symbol." 

Xenophilius reached into his shirt as he pulled out a necklace, holding it up. "You mean this?"

"Yes," Harry reached out to touch it. "That exactly. What we've wondered is... what is it?"

"What is it?" The first sign of emotions crossed Xenophilius's face as he raised an eyebrow at him. Confusion clouding his eyes. "Well, it's the sign of the Deathly Hallows, of course."

"The what?" The three of us raised in the muggle world asked.

"The Deathly Hallows," Xenophilius repeated himself. "I assume you're all familiar with The Tale of the Three Brothers. 

"Yes," Hermione and Ron said at the same time Harry and I responded "No."

"I have it in here," Hermione dug through the bag in her lap, pulling out the book Dumbeldore gave her. Turning the page to get to the story. "'There were once three brothers who were traveling along a lonely, winding road at twilight.'"

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