61. Second Task

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AN: Dubble update because I missed yesterday.

"Harry, this doesn't feel right," I told him as we walked down the path to get to the boats. "Where are Hermione and Ron? And George? I haven't seen any of them since last night."

"I don't think we need your special sense to figure out that," Harry huffed out as I looked over at him. "Sorry, sorry. Just stressed. Friends are nowhere to be seen and Neville-"

"Hey, sorry I'm late," Neville panted as he ran to catch up with us. "Had to get enough for the both of you."

"You're sure about this, Neville?" Harry asked as he passed us the green gunk.

"Absolutely," Neville nodded his head.

"For an hour?" I asked.

"Most likely," Neville said.

"Most likely?" I asked. "What do you mean most likely?"

"Well, there is some debate among herbologists as to the effects of freshwater vs. saltwater," Neville explained.

"You're telling us this now?" Harry hissed in a low voice. "You must be joking."

"I-I just wanted to help," Neville mumbled.

"You are," I rubbed his arm as we got onto the dock. "Harry, we will be fine, we will still last long enough to get whatever they took."

"I know, sorry, Neville," Harry sighed as he looked around. "Where are Hermione and Ron?"

"Let's just hope they are on the platform," I said as we got onto one of the boats. Please, for the love of all things good, let our friends be fine. Something in my gut said they were safe, but where they were, I still have no clue.

Our boats moved as we approached three giant towers that sat in the middle of the lake. Once we unboarded, I looked around some more to find them. Literally anyone of them.


"Fred," I called out when he came walking over towards me. "Where is your brother?"

"Which one?" Fred asked

"Literally either of the two at this school that we can not seem to find," I said.

"I haven't seen either of them since last night," Fred said with a worried look. "Though Ron was just with Harry and George and you were sucking faces like you normally do."

I grabbed the collar of his shirt with tight fists as I narrowed my eyes at him, "Does it look like I would suck faces with someone at a time like this?!"

"No," Fred shook his head back and forth.

"Good," I said, releasing him. "Now, go find your brother before I scream!"

"You already have," Fred said, covering his ears.

"Now!" I yelled at him.

"Right, right, I'm going," Fred walked into crowed as I pushed my way over to where the other champions were.

I quickly took off my jacket and leggings to get into my brand new Gryffindor one piece. It amazes me how they can just come up with these things for us.

"Welcome to the second task!" Dumbledore announced. "Last night, something was stolen from each of our champions! A treasure of sorts. These four treasures, one for each champion, now lie on the bottom of the Black Lake! In order to win, each champion need only find their treasure and return to the surface!"

I tried to think of anything of value of mine that could be down there, but nothing came to my mind. Probably because I was fucking freezing my tits off as they wanted me to just jump into a cold lake in the middle of February. Guess they don't believe in hypothermia in the wizarding world.

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