118. The Lockets Curse

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You know what I loved so fucking much about the locket, its inability to be destroyed. The pesky little thing refused to be destroyed no matter what hex, curse, or jinx we sent its way. It just refused to die. And not to mention it was the ugliest piece of jewelry I have ever seen. 

So, we had to come up with a different plan. We would each take turns wearing the god awful necklace to keep it safe. 

But the second you put it on, you could feel the evil it heald. The way it felt like it was burning a black hole into your heart the second you put it on. Make your worse thoughts whispered their way into your ears. We all knew the pain of it all. 

Because of Ron's injury, we unable to apparate anywhere else. For the time being, we were stuck with mother Nature. We had a wizarding tent that functioned as our home for the time being. Ron always had the radio on, so we could hear what was going on. And let me tell you, everything was not.

People like Dean were apparently missing. The Order was trying to save people with their own version of the underground railroad. Snatchers were set out on the loose to take people in Voldemort and his goons felt unworthy. Fred and George had set up their own underground broadcast to help get the message out to people. Mainly to give them hope to keep the good fight going. And Snape had taken on the role of Head Master at Hogwarts. The curriculum had reportedly changed as well as the punishments. Filch was probably having a blast. 

I was asleep in my bed as I wore the locket that night. I had it on all day in hopes of giving Ron a break from it. He had worn it most out of anyone, promising us he could take it.

I was walking down that path of the local shops. I needed some groceries if I was going to be living on my own. I think this is the first time in my life I had to do the shopping for myself. I either had my mum who would get it, or the house-elves at Hogwarts to make us food. Sounds a bit spoiled of me. 

As I was walking my eyes caught a glimpse of a tattoo shop across the street. I stopped as I placed my hand on the back of my arm where mine sat. And before I even knew what I was doing, I walked into the little shop.

"Hello, there little lady,"  The man at the front of the shop greeted me. He had fewer tattoos and piercings than I had seen on a tattoo artist before. "What can I help you with?"

"I was wonder if I could get a couple of tattoos today," I looked around at the art on his wall. 

"Then you've come to the right place," He gave me a smile as he patted the counter. "Let's get all your paperwork done, shall we?"

As I looked back over towards him, the room started to change. In bits of grey smoke, everything changed as I was stood in the entryway of my house. I took a couple of steps as I noticed noise coming from the telly. I took quiet steps to our living room where I noticed my family sat, watching some program on the TV.

"Mum?" I called out. 

But I got no response. I tried to shake her a bit, but she just stayed still. All of them did.

"Luke?" I looked at him next. But the same thing as my mother, he just kept watching the tv.

I looked at each one of them as I walked in front of the TV. And even with me blocking it, they acted like I wasn't there. 

"What's going on?" I asked myself.

"You left," Louis broke his eye line away from the TV as he looked to me. "You're not apart of the family anymore."

"Louis," I whispered as tears came into my eyes. "Louis I-I had to leave."

"You chose to leave," Harry spoke up.

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