104. Slug Club Christmas Party

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Now if you thought the Hermione vs. Ron third year fight of potential animal killing was bad. Or the fourth year battle of Your a girl vs. you should have asked me, was worse. Or the fifth year, actually they didn't fight last year surprisingly. But you should get the point, this fight was much, much worse. And I honestly think the two of them have too much pride to admit what they were fighting over, or why they were not talking.

I was actually struggling to see who's side I would be on at first.

"You see Hope," Ron slug his arm around me as he had a shit-eating grin on his face. "What Lavender and I have, well it's not stopping let's say. We don't really talk much actually. But she does this thing with her tongue-"

"No," I cut him off as I threw his arm off my shoulder, making my way down the hall.

Yeah, it was pretty easy to figure out what side I was on. Normally I don't choose a side and me and Harry would just switch off listing to one complain about the other than meet up in. the kitchens to drink hot coco and then complain about them complaining so much. It was a really great tradition we had, because we wanted to stick with both friend's sides.

I wasn't just on Ron's side because he was stupid and literally could not pull his head out of his ass to figure out his feelings. But also, he was basically using Lavender. Now, don't get me wrong, the girl annoyed me and was a little obsessed with my brothers. But she didn't deserve to be used by Ron. And that seemed to be his mentality right now with his little fame he got, to see how many girls he could get. And Lavender didn't even notice, which was the sad part. She seemed to truly care about Ron, and as much as I don't like her, I didn't want to see her heartbroken. Mainly because I knew I would have to listen to her crying and blasting my brother's music at night.

I was sat in the kitchen as Dobby had just brung me a nice cup of coco. Dobby was actually fun to visit. He loved his job so much now that he was free, he even wore a bunch of knitted clothing all the time. Mainly because in Hermione's quest to free the elves, she didn't realize Dobby was the only one that wanted it.

I looked up with a smiled as Harry came walking in, he gave me a look as he sat down in front of me.

"I just want you to know, I'm mad at you," Harry told me.

"Hey, it's not my fault you decided to choose both," I pointed out to him.

"I can't just leave Ron alone and I won't leave Hermione as I would probably die," Harry rolled his eyes at me as he stole my hot chocolate, taking a sip of it.

"Hey get your own," I pouted. "But honestly, how is it going with the two of them?"

"Ron is off snogging Lavender whenever he has time and Hermione is acting like she's okay with everything," Harry told me. "Hey, who are your bringing to the slug club party?"

"Neville," I told him. "Only guy I knew would cause the least amount of drama."

"What about me?!" Harry asked offended.

"Oh yeah," I gasped. "Well, it's too late now. Just take Hermione."

"I was going to but she said she has a mystery date," Harry said.

"What's with her and mystory dates?" I shook my head. "Well, Ginny is already going with Dean. You got Lavender, but I don't think you want to touch on that one."

"No I don't," Harry shook his head.

"Why not Luna?" I asked him. "She'd be a fun date."

"Yeah, I could ask her," Harry said as he thought about it. "Hey, do you know how long Fred and George's love potions work?"

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