18. Class

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The next morning I woke up much earlier than I would have liked. I blame it on the bed; it didn't have the same feeling as my one at home had. Although this one was much bigger. It felt weird to share a room with a girl's after so many years in my own small bedroom. I mean I've had sleepovers with Gemma and Lottie before, but this just felt like a whole new experience. 

"Good morning," Hermione said in a hushed voice as she sat at the small desk between our beds writing 

"Morning," I said with a yawn "How early is it?"

"A quarter till seven," She said looking at her watch 

"So... 7:45?" I asked her 

"No, more like 6:45," Hermione replied with a laugh 

"Sorry were not that proper at my school back home," I told her getting out of bed 

"Where are you from?" She asked me 

"I'm from Doncaster" I said pulling out my uniform for the day. I was up might as well get dressed and ready for classes "What about you?"

"I'm from Northern London," She said giving looking over at me "My parents have their own desist office there."

"Dang you must have grown up with no sweets," I told her 

"Close to it," Hermione said with a laugh "What about your parents, what do they do?"

"Well my father is an office manger, doing what ever that is, at some boring company. And my mum is an accountant at the hospital by our house." I told her 

"Does your mum get to see anything interesting at the hospital?" She asked me 

"Not really, she just works with insures to get things payed or what ever" I told her with a shrug "Although she said she got offered the job after she had Niall, because she fact checked the person who charged her wrong for the delivery."

"She sounds like a smart person," Hermione told me 

"Oh she is" I said with a laugh "When Louis almost failed his A levels, she made him study every single night so he would pass"

"How many brothers did you say you had again?" She asked me 

"Nine," I said 

"Wow, thats a lot of people to grow up with," She said with wide eyes "How old's are your brothers?"

"Louis is 19, and so is Zayn. Liam and Niall are 18. Harry is 17. Ashton is about to turn 17 in a couple of weeks actually. Micheal is 16, and Calum and Luke are 15"

"I swear I've heard those names before," She said shacking her head 

"Yeah there just-" I stoped what I was about to say as I looked over to Lavender's side of the room where low and behold, would you guess it. A One Direction poster sat on her wall "-C- Common names"

"I guess," Hermione said as she went back to her writing 

Oh that poster was coming down. Number one, I did not want to be known as One Directions little sister, already got heat for that at my old school. And two, I don't need anyone to see their audition video. That was so embarrassing for me that I rather just burn all the copies. 

I love my brothers, I really do. But this was Hogwarts and I was meant to not be in their world anymore.


Hermione and I sat in the front of the class as we took down notes. We had transfiguration with McGonagall and she chose the first class to show us how she can transform into a cat. As she sat upon her desk looking at us. I can tell you for a fact my face probably looked much like my fathers when he first saw it. 

My Nine Brothers~ One Direction & 5sos & Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now