81. The Return

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Did I tell you how much I love being back at school, because I do. I don't know if its the over-optimism I have just from the fact that I get to see my friends again and not have to help out doing my brother's laundry, but I missed this place. 

"Hope!" Hermione ran up to me as I sat outside in the courtyard. I looked up from my book as she, Ron, and Harry stopped in front of me. "Hagrid is back."

Thats all it took for me to throw my book in my bag and run to his hut. We pushed past a few students as we made it over to the bridge. We had such child-like smiles on our faces as we raced down the large hill, obviously not caring if we tripped and fell. It felt weird that this was the first time this year we were visiting our friend. Was it weird to be friends with an adult, probably? But I find my self in many situations where I am friends with people much older than I am. 

We came to a skidding halt outside his door. Hermione was about to knock when we heard another voice with Hagrids in his home.

"I'll say this one last time," Our smiles dropped from our faces as we quickly ran over to the side window. "I'm ordering you to tell me where you've been."

"I told you. I've been away for me health," Hagrid was sat in his big chair as we peered our eyes into the room. The ugly pink toad disastrous cunt, stood across from him. 

"Your health?" Umbridge scrunched up her nose as she looked up at him. 

"Yeah. But of fresh air, you know," Hagrid told her. 

"Oh, yes. As gamekeeper, fresh air must be difficult to come by," Umbride rolled her eyes at his obvious lie. But I have to give it to Hagrid, he's gotten a lot better at keeping things to himself. "If I were you, I shouldn't get too used to being back. In fact, I mightn't bother unpacking at all."

I wanted to march in there and cuss her out for threatening Hagrid like that. But I knew I couldn't as that would be a stupid thing to do. We scooted over more as Umbride made her way outside of the hut. She stood there for a second just sniffing the air before she took out a bottle of perfume and sprayed it into the air. What, now this woman has a problem with nature? 

"This is top secret, right?" We had snuck into Hagrids hut as he now sat in front of us, a raw stake in his hand as he just pulled it away from his eye. You know what I said above were he has gotten better at not saying shit, well maybe it's just to certain people. "Dumbledore sent me to parlay with the giants."

"Giants?!" Hermione asked in shock. Hagrid shushed her as she cleared her throat. "You found them?"

"Well, they're not that hard to find, to be perfectly honest," Hagrid said. "They're so big, see?"

"Makes sense," I took a sip of my tea. "Why were you there?"

"Trying to convince them to join the cause," Hagrid said. "But I wasn't the only one that was trying to win them over."

"Death Eaters?" Ron asked 

"Yes," Hagrid told him. "Trying to persuade them to join You-Know-Who."

"And... did they?" Harry asked.

"I gave them Dumbledore's message," Hagrid titled his head back and forth as he talked. "Suppose some of them remember he was friendly to them, I suppose."

"And they did this to you?" Harry gestured to Hagrids face injuries. 

"Not exactly, no," Hagrid went to put the stake back up to his eye as Fang barked. "Oh, go on, you have it then, you dopy dog."

Fang took the stake happily as I smiled down at his floppy ears. I felt a shiver come up my spine as the thunder outside got louder. We slowly stood up as we walked over to the window. I watched as the trees in the forest moved harshly back and forth. 

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