125. Man your stations

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The second the four of us apparated into the small little village of Hogsmead, a screeching siren went off.

"They're here!" 

"Search everywhere."

"Go, move!"

We could hear the patrol of Death Eaters coming for us, so we ducked by an ally way. Using the fact that it was pitch black outside to our advantage. We had hidden in the pavilion as we tried to stay as low to the ground as possible. We could hear them searching the place, so very close to us it made the hairs on my arms stick up. That was until another siren went off in the distance, distracting them from us as they took off towards it.

We quickly got up as we ran up a flight of cobblestone stairs right by us. I think I'm starting to like running, maybe because every time I do run I get to live another day. We were not so lucky this time as at the end of this alleyway was a locked gate. 

But right when I thought we were royally screwed, the door next to us opened up. "In here, Potter."

I don't even think we questioned the man when we entered into this place. But there was something so familiar about his face.

"Did you look at him?" Ron asked when we got down the flight of stairs. "For a second I thought that was-"

"I know. Dumbledore," Hermione voiced the same thought we were all having.

We looked around the room as I noticed a painting of a girl. She could not have been more than fifteen years old. With pale skin and hollow cheeks, she looked like she was in pain. 

"Harry?" Hermione called out. "I can see you in this."

I looked at the mirror next to the painting. Harry's face filling it up, but with a silver missing towards the bottom. The same one that matched up with the silver I had spotted Harry carrying so many times. 

"Bloody fools, what were you thinking coming here?" The man looked to all of us with hard eyes. "Have you any idea how dangerous it is?"

"You're Aberforth, Dumbledore's brother," I connected the images in my head. I have always wanted to meet this man. Mainly because of the rumor he had fucked a goat. And I just really wanted to understand how that ball got rolling. 

"It's you who I've been seeing in here," Harry held up his piece of the mirror. "You're the one who sent Dobby."

"Where have you left him?" Aberforth went to close his curtains.

"He's dead," Harry informed him

"Sorry to hear it," Aberforth looked back at up with a sad looked. "I liked that elf."

"Who gave that to you?" Harry pointed to the bigger piece of the mirror behind him. "The mirror?"

"Sirius gave it to me a year ago," Aberforth told him. "Told me to keep an eye on you while you were off doing god knows what. And he was running around fighting god knows who."

Aberforth walked away for a second before he came back over to us, carrying a tray of butterbeer and biscuits. 

"Do you hear from the others much?" Hermione picked up her drink while Ron and I went to town on stuffing our faces. "From the Order?"

"The Order has finished," Aberforth didn't look devastated by this news. More like a dog who had turned belly up and given up years ago. "You-Know-Who has won. Anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves."

"I can see you're a glass half full kinda guy," I snorted as I took another bite of my biscuit. 

"We need to get into Hogwarts, tonight," Harry said. "Dumbledore gave us a job to do."

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