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Let me explain to you how this hunt for Ron is going. I left in November... it's now December. THE HUNT IS NOT GOING GOOD!

I mean I thought I could track him down. Nope. I thought my powers would work to find him. Ha! No, oh no, no, no. My powers simply just did not want to find him. That's fine. Just been fucking all over England trying to find his ginger ass. I mean honestly... I SHOULD HAVE FOUND THE MAN BY NOW! 

I was strolling through London. I had my hood over my head as I looked at all the Christmas lights they had strung up. I remember the first time seeing them. When our car drove along the road to get us to The Jingle Bell Ball. And then the proceeding night of watching my drunk brothers act like blithering bafoons. Ah, childhood. 

I let out a small giggle at the memory. I find my self doing that lately, getting caught up in memories left and right. Just trying to hold on to... something. It didn't make up for anything, but it helped.

As I was walking by a Cafe, I caught a glimpse of something that stopped me dead in my tracks. No, it couldn't be. I slowly turned around as I saw the man sitting there, just drinking a cuppa. 

I must have been stood out in the cold for a good 10 minutes before I felt my feet moving for me. I pushed the door open as the little bell rang. Some women greeted me, but I couldn't say anything back as I just stared at the back of his brown hair. It had gotten a bit longer since I last saw him.

And before I knew it, I was walking into his line of sight.

"Hi darling," He smiled at me.

"Hi," I mumbled out. 

"You a fan?" He asked looking at me with curiosity. Probably because I was stood there like a ghost was sitting in front of me. It sure felt like a ghost.

"No, I mean yes," I shook my head a bit. "I mean, I've listened to some of your music but I'm not like a super fan. Just appreciate your hard work."

"Well, I appreciate all my fans," He told me. "Would you like a picture?"

"Um, I was kinda wondering if I could ask you a question," I picked at my figures as I waited for his response.

"Sure," He pointed to the chair in front of him.

"Thanks," I mumbled.

"I know that accent," His smile grew brighter. "You from Donny as well?"

"Yeah, my brothers and I grew up there," I gave a small laugh. "Love the place."

"Well now of course I have to answer all your questions," He smirked at me as he took a sip of his tea.

"It's kinda a silly one if I'm being honest," I shook my head. "My brother and I, we got into a bit of a tiff over the summer and I haven't seen him since. I just, I don't know what to say to him."

"Well, if you want my advice, I would say it starts with actually coming face to face with him," He told me. "What did you get in a fight about, if you don't mind me asking."

"Um, I had to leave home," I said. "And it was to do something important, to help people. And because he's my older brother, all he could see was me being hurt. And he didn't like that. So, we got into a fight and I left before I could even talk to him about it, why it was important to me."

"You join the army or something?" He raised a brow.

"Or something," I said.

"Well," He laced his figure together in his hands as he put them on the table. "As an older brother myself, I know what he was probably feeling. I've got one younger sister, and it would break my heart to see her hurt in any sort of way. Or any of my younger brothers matter of fact. Because as the oldest, it's our job to protect the younger siblings. Like you said, he probably just didn't want to see you hurt. But maybe by talking to him, it could help clear some things up. Make him know that you're ok."

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