37. Taller

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I heard the voices at first. As if everyone was talking all at once around me. I could not pick out one word or another, but it just felt like mumbles or whispers.

My body was stiff and cold as a tingly feeling traveled up my body, like my nerves where all trying to fire up at once. It was a strange feeling like I was on fire. An unusual combination of hot a cold.

"Our daughter does not look okay!"

That was my mother, her voice stood out amongst the rest.

"I understand your fears Mrs. Stylinson. Your daughter was the first to receive the antidote as soon as we got it," Dumbdlores voice came next.

"I just can't believe we didn't hear about this till now, the severity of it all." My dad thats who was talking.

"We tried to send you letters, but with all the traveling you do, it was hard to keep up with your current address," McGonagall told him.

"Yes, but the letter you sent us before the winter break said that she was just ill and that everything would be fixed in a matter of weeks," My dad said.

"I do apologies for that again as we did not know how long it would take to find the antidotes," Dumbledore told them.

"Ma'am," I heard someone say by me as I felt my hand twitch. "I-I think she's waking up."

"Oh, Hope, honey can you hear me," My mother's voice felt closer to me now. "Why is it taking so long for her to wake up? The others woke up long before her."

"The antidote is taking longer as she was petrified the longest," Pomrfy explained.

My eyes started to move a bit as I slowly blinked them open. The light hitting my eyes caused me to squint as I looked at the faces surrounding me. My mother and father stood closest to me on the right side of the bed, followed by Dumbledore, Pomfrey, and McGonagall. What were my parents doing here?

"Professor, w-what's going on?" I asked with a horse voice.

"You where petrified my child," McGonagall informed me. "But don't worry about that now."

"C-Can I have some juice?" I asked sitting up.

"Yes, here you go," Mum said handing me some pumpkin juice.

"Thank you," I said taking a sip. "H-How long was I-I out?"

"You were only one week into the first term when it happened," Dumbledore said. "It is now the end of the year."

"End of the year!" I yelled as my eyes widened, "What about my classes!"

"All we will be figured out later," Dumbledore told me. "Let us leave Hope to her family, a bit of catching up seems to be needed. And we need to get to the end of year feast Minerva."

"Oh baby, you must be so scared," Mum said sitting on my bed as she pushed back my hair.

"Not scared, just worried I might not pass this year," I told her

"Hope you are not coming back here," Dad informed me. "You have been through so much in your first two years here-"

"No you can't!" I yelled out. "You can't do that! Hogwarts is my home!"

"Your home is with us," Mum said with a sad face.

"Mum, I love you, but this is the first place I have ever felt like I belonged," I said with tears in my eyes. "You can't take that away from me, no matter what. I would rather die than give up magic."

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