94. Dad

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I sat on the front counter of Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, a mouthful I know, as I tossed a Remembrall in my hand. Good news was that there was no red smoke in it, so I had not forgotten anything of late. Bad news, I was stuck with Lee standing in front of me recounting his date from last night.

"She was so into me, Hope," Lee had a bright big smile on his face as he told me every detail- and I mean, every detail- from his date. "And then I took her back to my place-"

"Don't you still live with your parents?" I asked cutting him off.

"Yes, but we all agreed that I get the basement as Lee's private area," Lee said. "Now focus. Now, since your a girl-"

"Really wish I wasn't for this conversation," I mumbled to myself.

"Would you be offended if I asked what your bra size was?" Lee asked.

"Not offended, more like creeped out," I rolled my eyes at him. "Honestly Lee, who asks that?!"

"She had big tits and I wanted to know!" Lee threw his arms up in the air.

I put the ball down on the counter as I massaged my temples, "You would think after being raised around all this boy talk, I would be used to it. But nope, you all still disgust me."

"Who disgusts you?" George asked as he walked over to us, setting a box down next to me.

"The male species," I told him.

"Not swinging side's on me, are you?" George raised a brow at me with a smirk.

I let out a dramatic sigh, "I wish I could, but sadly I'm in love with you."

"See, why can't I have this," Lee pointed between the two of us. "No one wants to get aboard the Lee train."

"Maybe because you call it the Lee train," George laughed at him.

"And because you still don't understand how to talk to a woman," I told him.

"Maybe I should just copy what your brothers do," Lee said. "They seem to have gotten a good chance with the ladies."

"I wouldn't," I shook my head. "They only get so much attention because they are famous, before that it was very rarely that a girl they liked would like them back."

"You speak so hight of them," George smirked at me as he started to take the new prank items out of the box.

"It's mainly because I'm mad at them right now," I told him as I picked up one of the Bounce Back Boomerangs.

"Why are you mad at them?" George asked.

"Because they want me to talk about my feeling and shit like that," I groned out.

George let out a loud laugh that echoed off the walls, "You talking about your feelings, that will be the day. You like to express them more than talk about them."

"Thank you," I threw my arms up in the air. "See this is why I love you, you get me more than most people."

"And I'm the luckiest man because of that," George leaned over and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

"So not fair," Lee shook his head as we pulled away to look back over at him. "I mean you practically stole the most beautiful girl in Hogwarts away from anyone else on day two."

"He did not," I rolled my eyes at him.

"Oh yeah, and when have you every know George to not prank a foolish first year?" Lee raised an eyebrow at me. "Oh Hope, let's not let you go into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, that won't be funny to watch after we let four other first years go in there."

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