90. Shooting Star Part 1

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Okay Hope, think.

What do I know so far? One, I woke up in a strange room. Two, the strange room has awards with my name on them. Three, I'm hungry. And four, probably the most important one, Ashton is pissed off at me. And he was talking about song lyrics. Okay, what did I do? Tweet them on accident? No, that wouldn't make him want to murder me. Think Hope, think. Why can't I think? Why isn't my mind connecting? I should have figured it out by now. Something wasn't right.

My wand! I need my wand.

I ran back over to the bed as I looked around, quickly pulling side drawers out to try and find it. I would be bloody useless without my wand.

"Fuck," I whispered as I pushed my hair out of my face. My wand wasn't here. Where would I put it, I mean it must be around here somewhere. "I swear if this is Lunas Nagels..."

"Not Nargles love," I jumped up as I looked around to see George leaning agest the wall with a smirk on his face. "Pretty sure we all know thats a myth."

"George," I smiled as I walked over to him. "I'm so glad to see you, I have no clue whats going on."

"Well let me enlighten you on some things," George pushed himself off the wall. "Last night you made a wish upon a shooting star, remember that?"

"Yeah, I wished for the end of the war to come," I told him as I remembered the words I said in my head.

"You see," George pulled a sour face as he looked down at me. "Problem was that when you made that wish, you were also thinking of what your life would be like if you weren't a witch. And, tricky buggers those shooting stars are, they take a snapshot of your brain and help you fulfill your wish to the best of what is going on in your mind at the time. So, good news is the war is over... bad news it's just for you."

"What," I breathed out as I licked my dry lips.

"Your not a witch anymore," George informed me as he gave me a sad look. "And I'm not actually George, I just look like him to help guide you through all this."

"What- I... Wi... I need to sit down," I started to hyperventilate as the room felt like it was spinning. How could I not be a witch? Why would I ever want to give up the only thing that gave me a purpose in life?

"Easy there," George took hold of my arms to keep me steady. "I don't need you passing out right now, you got a big day."

"What do you mean big day?" I dared to ask him.

"Well," George tilted his head back and forth as he let go of my arms.

"Hope, darling!" A man came strutting into my room as he pushed the door open. He had white hair, but he looked young. His suite screamed expensive and designer, his shiny shoes to match. Three people followed after him as they dragged things in. "You looked wonderful this morning!"

"Hi..." I dragged out as he walked closer to me.

"Henry," George told me.

"Henry," I put on my best fake smile as he leaned in and did one of those French kisses where they kiss you on both cheeks.

"So are you excited for today," Henry had so much energy and a big smile, and I was already over it.

"For what?" I asked.

"Oh look at you, playing tricks on me so early in the morning," Henry started to laugh as the other people in the room joined in. "Its only like, one of your biggest nights in your career. I mean, to be so young and given the award."

"I'm getting another one?" I furrowed my eyebrows together as I looked over at my self of awards again. Come to think of it, there are a lot of them. "I have a Grammy!"

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