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It was now springtime as we walked into the courtyard on one Saturday afternoon.

"Beautiful day," Hermione commented

"Gorgeous," Ron told her. "Unless, of course, you're being ripped to pieces."

"Ripped to pieces?" Harry asked in confusion. "What are you talking about?"

"Ronald has lost his rat," Hermione informed us.

"I haven't lot anything," Ron said. "Your cat killed him."

"Rubbish," Hermione scoffed.

"Ron, we are all just surprised that your rat has lasted this long," I said, looking at the hurt boy. "I mean honestly, the first time I met you, you were trying to turn him yellow. How old is he even?"

"I don't know, ten years or something," Ron shrugged a bit.

"Can rats even live that long?" I asked to myself

"Well, someone's cat was trying to test his amazing life span," Ron huffed as we continued on our walk down to the Black Lake.

We were supposed to be meeting Hagrid there, after the trail for Buckbeak. As predicted, Mr. Malfoy did not let anything go. And it didn't look like the hearing had gone well as when we reached Hagrid, he was standing ankle-deep in the water skipping rocks.

"How did it go, Hagrid?" Hermione decided to ask. "The hearing?"

"Well, first off, the committee members took turns talking about why we were there," Hagrid said a bit annoyed as he skipped another rock. "And then I got up and did my piece, said how Buckbeak was a good hippogriff, always cleaned his feathers. And then... Lucius Malfoy got up. Well, you can imagine. He said Buckeak was a deadly and dangerous creature who would kill you as soon as look at you."

"And then?" Hermione asked.

"And then he asked for the worst, did ol' Lucius," Hagrid said.

"They're not sacking you," Ron said.

"No, I'm not sacked," Hagrid informed him. "Buckbeaks' been sentenced to death!"

He threw the final rock into the pond as he started to cry. This was terrible. It was not right at all. Everyone knew it was Draco's fault, but they would not let us students talk up about it. And Mr. Malfoy could never expect his child had done wrong. This system was so wrong and so messed up, it hurt me to even think about the death of the beautiful hippogriff.


We had just finished our Defence class for today as everyone was packing up to leave. Professor Lupin had been giving me this look all class, as if he was debating something in his mind. I do hope it wasn't about the last test, as I did use Hermione to copy off of. Well, not copy per say, more like check to make sure my answers were correct. A good 70% were originally, and the other 30% I made sure to make correct.

"Miss Stylinson, do you mind staying back a bit?" Lupin asked as I stood up from my desk. "It will only be a moment, and I shall write you a pass for your next class."

I looked back at my friends who were waiting at the door for me, "Go on, I'll meet you in Divination."

"Alright," Ron said as they headed out. The door shutting behind him.

"What's up, Professor?" I approached the front of the classroom as Lupin pulled something off of his desk.

"I'm assuming you know what this is?" Lupin asked rhetorically as he healed up the Marauders map.

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