21. Troll

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"Hermione please come out of the stall," I said with a sigh as I knocked on the bathroom door again. We had been in here the whole afternoon with me trying to get her out. Probably missed dinner at this rate.

"No, I'm fine Hope," Hermione said with a sniffle "You can go. You don't need to stay out of pitty"

"It's not out of pitty," I told her "I'm your friend and I want to help you"

"Really?" She asked in a low voice 

"Yeah, I don't think I could survive here without you," I told her

After a minute or two, the bathroom door opened up and as Hermione came out with puffy eyes giving me a small smile.

"Oh come here honey," I said bringing her into a hug "Ron's an idiot. Don't let his words affect you"

"Thank you," Hermione said as we pulled away and whipping a tear-away "I-I needed that. Thanks for being my friend"

"Anytime" I gave her a big smile "Now let's get you washed up"

Right as we turned to walk over we saw something, and then we looked up to see that it was in fact a troll standing in the girl's bathroom.

"Oh no" I squicked out 

"J-Just s-stay calm," Hermonie told me as we tried to back up a bit. She quickly grabbed my hand and pulled us into a stall. But then the Troll decided to take his big club and do some remodeling as he shattered the wood at the top of it. 

"Ahh!" the two of us screamed as we ducked down.

"Hermione, Hope, Move!" We suddenly heard Harry scream causing us to look at the door and see him and Ron come in 

The two of us army crawled over by the sink, where you guessed it, the Troll started to smash. Oh what a lovely day this was turning out to be. 

"Help!" Hermione screamed at the boys 

Harry went into quick thinking- which is honestly never good for him- as he jumped on the troll's club and then proceeded to end up on his shoulders. To ware, the troll threw him around a bit before Harry shoved his wand up his nose.

"Ew," I said scrunching my face up

Then the troll grabbed onto Harry's leg and he started to dangle him in the air. While also trying to hit him with his club. And that is why I know understand why trolls are stupid.

"Do something!" Harry yelled upside down as the troll missed him 

"What?" Ron asked looking around 

"Anything!" Harry yelled dodging another attack 

"Swish and Flick," Hermonie told him as Ron pulled out his wand.

"Wingardium Leviosa" Ron yelled as the Trolls club started to levitate out of his hand. It then proceeded to hit him on the head before it passed out.

Hermione and I got out of our hiding spots as Harry dusted himself off. 

"Is it... Dead?" Hermione asked 

"I don't think so," Harry said pulling his wand out of its nose "Just knocked out"

"Ew! Troll bogies" I said looking at his wand "I would just get a new one at this point"

Suddenly McGonagall, Snap, and Quirrel came into the bathroom to see us and a nocked out tool. Probably not the best sight for a teacher, but I can only assume they have seen worse.

"Oh my goodness," McGonagall said, "Explain yourselves, both of you!"

Harry and Ron started to talk to try to explain what was going on when suddenly Hermione stepped forward.

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