72. Disloyalty

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I sat with George at the Black Lake. My back was pressed agest his chest as we sat up against a tree. I had so much going on inside my brain. I just needed a break for a bit. The past couple of weeks since being here has been hard.

Light stuff first, as my mum always says. My One Direction brother officially announced their break. Or what I like to now refer to as, Hope learns new words. Like a Hiatus. Well, this may seem like the worst fucking thing to you, but it was a walk in the park of news for me. They will take a break, see whatever shit they want to see with the world, then come back. My brothers love to make music way to much for them to just drop off the planet.

Zayn went back to seeing his doctor. Wouldn't tell me why he left or why he came back in his letter, just that he is trying to get better. Guess I can't blame him for that, he will take what time he needs to heal. As for Liam, Dad has brought on a sobriety coach for the tour and working with all the boys as I was told. A no-drinking policy was put into place for the rest of the tour. I would hate to be Niall right now as the man loves a good beer.

Ashton was harder to wrap my brain around. I knew we have had conversations about his low self-esteem, but I didn't know it was this bad. I didn't know that he cut himself. I guess I didn't know a lot of things. I pushed my brother out over summer to deal with my own issues. I didn't want to think that they could be dealing with things as bad as I was. Ashton always made sure I was smiling and happy as a kid. Ashton deserved better than what he was going through.

Harry and I got called in to see McGonagall after she found out about our detention. She didn't know what happened, or I assumed it would be a much different conversation. But McGonagall did tell us that we should not provoke this woman as we don't know what her intentions are. Trust me, we do.

"What are you thinking about?" George bushed his cheek against mine as he held onto my right hand on my stomach. I pushed my left hand over to the side as I still wasn't ready to share that with him.

"When I was younger, and things felt more simple," I sighed as I watched the giant squid bask in the sunlight. "You know, my family used to go to the ocean in Brighton for summer holiday."

"Why did you guys travel so far?" George asked.

"Because thats were my parents fell in love," I said. "They were both studying business in school at different universities, but on they both ended up at the same beach at the same time. They did long distance for three years before they got married."

"And then had a bunch of kids, then you," George smiled as I let out a laugh.

"Yeah, same can be said for your family," I looked over my shoulder at him. "I guess it's strange how the world works."

"Yeah," His smile dropped as he looked into my eyes. "Are you just going to keep pretending that your hand is alright."

Gulping, I said, "I-I don't know what you're talking about."

"Hope, your hand has been clearly bandaged up since your detention. You move away whenever I get near it, I just want to help you," George look a hold of my chin softly as I tried to look away. "Please, don't shut me out now."

"I just don't know what to tell you," I said.

"The truth would be nice," He said.

"Well, if you want to know that, Umbridge used a blood quill on us," I watched as his face shifted into one I have never seen before. Anger.

"She what?!" His face was in absolute rage over this. "Hope, you have to tell someone."

"And say what?" I asked him as I pulled away a bit to get a better look at him. "Nothing is going to get done, she works for the Minister himself. And there are much bigger things than dealing with a simple cut on my hand."

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