30. Take back

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It had only been a couple of weeks into summer and I already wanted back at Hogwarts. 

Not that I didn't miss my family, they were just to busy to do anything. The older boys and dad were over in Europ now and were meant to be coming back home soon. But mum said it was highly unlikely I would get to see them as they still had a bunch of press they had to do. Which was quite heartbreaking to hear because I did miss them. 

As for my other brothers, well they were still having a go at releasing their music. And I got to listen to it non stop all day long. Don't get me wrong, it was wicked cool at first to get to watch them create new sounds and stuff. But after hearing the same four songs on repeat for two weeks would drive anyone insane. I think they actually use it for torture in some parts of the world.

I was currently sitting on the edge of the pool in my garden as Gemma sat next to me and Lottie floated on a raft. That was the one good thing about being home, I got to see my best friends again. We were practically living at each other's houses now as we just bounced back and forth.

"Hope how did you not know!" Lottie yelled at me as she splashed some water up. 

"How was I supposed to!" I yelled back with a laugh. "It's not like I've seen the boy in over a year."

"What a shame, Ben is such a fittie now," Lottie said with a dreamy look in her eyes. 

"I think someones in love," Gemma said in a sing-song voice causing me to giggle. 

"Am no!" Lottie said as she tried to sit up without falling into the water. "I'm just saying Ben got H-O-T, hot in the span of two weeks! What's up with that!"

"Thats called puberty," I looked up as I saw Luke walking over to us. "Get used to it Lottie, a lot of boys your age will be just like Ben soon."

"Oh I love puberty," Lottie said with a dreamy look in her eyes. 

"Yes, yes it's a beautiful thing," Luke said letting Lottie go into her own dream world before he looked down at me. "Mum said you're going to have to stay home tonight."

"Aw but we were supposed to go over to Gemmas and watch the New Twilight movie," I said with a wine. I really wanted to see more of a shirtless Jacob.

"Hope those movies are trash," Luke said shaking his head. 

"You take that back!" Gemma yelled at him. 

"Yes, those movies are cinematic masterpiece!" Lottie yelled as she splashed water at him. 

Luke took a step back as he tried to avoid the title wave that came with Lottie's statement. Honestly, he should know by now not to mess with pre-teen girls and their fandoms. 

"Alright, alright!" Luke said raising his hands in surrender. "I yield!"

"Good," Lottie said as she moved her raft over to the side before she got out. "It's getting late, I better get home for diner."

"Yeah, same," Gemma said as we stood up. 

"Okay, well I'll see you guys tomorrow?" I asked them 

"Yeah, we can-"

"No," Luke said cutting Lottie off as we all looked over at him. "Um, mum said we can't do anything tomorrow either. Got big plans."

"Alright you nutter," I said as Luke gave me a weird forced smile. I shook my head at him before I lead my friends out of the house. 

I decided now was a good time to try and focus on my other friends. I grab the stack of mail waiting for me as I walked into the kitchen. Flipping through the three letters I had been given. I had two from Hermione, one from Ron, and zero from Harry. It was quite strange that he hadn't written yet, I worried that his wicked Aunt and Uncle may be the reason why. I had sent him five letters already, with no replies. But I would like to think I knew Harry well enough to know he would write me back. Something was up and I didn't like it. 

My Nine Brothers~ One Direction & 5sos & Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now