0. Me

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Do you ever feel like your alone in this world? 

Like your the only one on a planet full of amazing people, who can't do shit?

Well, thats how I felt growing up. 

Hi, I'm Hope Stylinson. 

Thats right, the little sister of not one, but two major boy bands. The teen heartthrobs- sorry let me just take a moment to barf here- of the world. They weren't always that way though, they were my annoying, geeky, weird older brothers. 

My mother and father both grew up with a couple of siblings each, and I guess they loved their experiences because they wanted a big family as well.  And lucky for them, my mother has a rare condition. When my mother gave birth to little Louis, she wasn't expecting to give birth a month later to little Zayn. She was then diagnosed with Uterus didelphys- which basically means she has a double vigna. 

So lucky for her and my father, they could easily get a large family they wanted. My mom once told me- first making sure she said she never regrated any of my brothers- thats around the time after Ashton was born, that my parents just wanted a girl and then they would stop having kids. Just one little girl that, thats what they wanted to complete their family. And that was me.

I think my parents got a little too excited to have a girl, because they wanted me to do everything a little girl does. Like dance, and pageants, and piano classes. Anything they could do to help me be the best I could be in life. 

And let me tell you, I absolutely sucked at all of it. But I guess you will find out about that soon.

But as my parents strived to help me find my passion in life, my brothers found theirs. 

And when they decided to persuade it, left me behind...

But I guess I could never be mad at them for it. But it's hard when you grow up so close to people, and they leave you. 

But something strange happened when I was 11, a woman with a permanent scowl on her face and a very pointy hat, told me something that set me down a path much stranger than my brothers...

My Nine Brothers~ One Direction & 5sos & Harry PotterWhere stories live. Discover now