64. The file

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The first thing I heard when we landed was the cheering. But I could not move as my face laid so close to his. The face that would never move again, never smile again, never joke around with me again. I have never been so close to a dead person before, and it's not something I would want any of you to experience.

Harry started to sob on Cedric's other side as he heled onto his shirt tightly. I heard the cheers and the music as people must have not looked close enough to see our faces. But someone did as a blood-curdling scream came. And then everything went silent.

"Harry! Hope!" Dumbledore yelled as he ran over to us. He tried to get Harry off of Cedric, but he was having none of it.

"No! No!" Harry yelled out in so much pain.

"For God's sake, Dumbledore, what's happened?" Fudge asked as he came over to see what had us so upset.

"He's back. He's back. Voldemort's back!" Harry yelled at them. "Cedric, he asked me to bring his body back. I couldn't leave him, not there."

"It's all right, Harry," Dumbledore calmly talked as he took his greaving face in his hands. "He's home. You all are."

Fudge moved away from us as he walked over to the teachers. "Keep everybody in their seats!"

I don't know what was worse. The pain of having to watch one of your friends die. Or hearing his father's heartbroken sobs as his eyes landed on his cold body.

"Thats my son!" Amos cried as he pushed his way over to us. "That's my boy!

I still had not moved from my spot, even to look up at Amos. My face looked at his as I laid right next to his boy. I didn't blink at all, maybe because I wanted it to all be just a dream. That if I blinked, I might miss him move. That if I even breathed too hard, I would be stealing the air from him. There was no way, no fucking way in hell, that Cedric Diggory was dead. No. No! I would not have it. He was meant to live a full and happy life. If anyone deserved to live a full and happy life, it was Cedric.

"Hope," I heard someone softy say as they placed their hand on my arm. "Princess... you need to move."

"No," My voice was horse and my mouth dry, but I didn't care.

"Hope, they need to move the body," They told me.

"No," I repeated myself.

I heard them let out a sigh before I felt two arms wrap around me. Pulling me away from the body.

"No! No! Don't touch me!" I cried out, kicking and screaming as they heald on tight. "No! I-I need him! He's not dead!"

"Hope, breath," Zayn whispered in my ear as we got farther away from the body.

My mom came up to me with tears in her eyes. She took hold of my face to stop me from looking at the body. "Hope... a-are you, alright?"

"Do I look alright!" I yelled out as I tried to get out of his tight grip.

"No, love. No, you don't," Mum told me sadly as she caressed my cheek. Whipping the tears away.

"He's dead, mum," I sobbed out as I started to relax. "I-I told him to g-get behind me... a-and h-h-he k-killed him!"

"Princess, I know this is hard," Zayn softy spoke. "But you shouldn't see that."

"No, what I should be doing is killing someone," I hissed out. "Zayn, let me go."

"No, not till you've calmed down," Zayn told me.

"Fuck off!" I yelled as I stepped on his foot. He hissed out in pain as he dropped me. I pushed my mom's hands away as I went in search of the man I needed to kill right now.

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