75. Normal

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DA meetings were going amazing. We had a couple of more recruits since we started this all, but overall the group of students that we had in our super secret club were learning a lot.

And thanks to Hermione- the reason I will never be second in command- we were well protected. We didn't always meet on the same date or time, we had a system in place. Hermione configured some galleon so that any time we wanted to have a meeting, Hermione would use her own to signal the group. And I think the most brilliant thing of it all is that the paper that everyone signed their names on was jinxed. Now I won't say what happens, but I may have come up with the idea and it may be the best thing in the world. 

Filch seemed to be the main problem we faced. The man would try to camp out and wait for us to leave. Good thing that the Room of Requirments had a backdoor kinda exist for us. It was very useful in escaping. Probably under Umbridge's request and the women was watching us way too much outside of class. She even made a new decree that students would now be questioned. She started with the younger students, but they know better to keep their mouths shut or face the Weasley twin's rath. 

Speaking of which, Fred and George had made it their mission to personally see fit that Flich had some great gifts waiting for him at his nighly post. Poor man had warts on his face for weeks. Beautiful sight that brought tears of joy to my eyes. 

And then came the mind fuck in this equation as Umbridge made her own snitch squad. Like you though the new Prefects that wanted to prove a point were had. You though the head- no, the Head Boy's in girls are actually pretty chill and will give you snacks if they see you in the hall late at night. Point is, they suck. They are called themselves the Inquisitorial Squad. Basically made up of Malfoy and his gang of prats. 

I had ditched my phone in the meeting to help the students more. Each meeting I would help Harry go around and fix hand movements and stuff like that. They were getting quite good actually. 

It was hard to believe it was already Christmas time. This semester seemed to go a lot faster when you had a secret club to run. 


The whole room let out a collective gasp as we watched Neville master the disarming spell. I started clapping as soon everyone joined in as he bashfully smiled at us. I knew he could do it. 

"Fantastic Neville. Well done," Harry patted him on the back with a smile as we all walked over to them. "So that's it for this lesson. Now, we're not going to be meeting again until after the holidays. So just keep practicing on your own as best you can. And... and well done, everyone. Great, great work."

Well a gave some claps before we broke off into our own little groups. I walked over to George as I threw my arms around his shoulders. He lifted me off the ground a bit as I gave him a kiss.

"Ready for Holliday?" I asked as he set me down, still keeping his hands on my waist.

"Oh yeah," George's smirk grew wide as he looked down at me. "First thing I'm doing is apperating us far away from everyone so we can get some alone time."

"Oh, I can't wait," I giggled as he leaned down and kissed me again. He pulled away as he kissed me on the forehead. "I have to go talk to Harry about something with Fred. Meet you at my dorm later?"

"Yeah, I'll see you there," I smiled at him as I went over to get my bag. I looked at my phone to see a miss call from my mother. I decided to call her back later as I needed to leave now to get back to the dorms sadly.

"You coming to HQ for holiday?" Ginny asked me as I caught up with her and Hermione.

"Don't know yet," I shrugged my shoulders as we made our way through the secret tunnel. "I'll probably stop by at some point. But it's normally the only time of year my family gets to all be together now and days. What about you Hermione?"

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