62. Third Task

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You know, most people can track down to the day in their life that bad things just started up and never seemed to end. The days just seem darker, and the end of the tunnel of light seems so far away that it would take you years to get to it.

For most of you it was the 25th of March, for me it was later than that. The day of the third task. June 24, 2015.

I understand why, when looking back on it, why I was not told till now. But it still hurt, and on a day I was already freaking out, it was just bound to make some things flip inside my brain.

"Hey, why is Moody looking at us?" I asked my friends as our DA teacher looking upon us.

"Don't know," Harry shrugged as I tore my eyes away to look at him. "Probably just looking around."

"I dought that, the man had us under the Imperius Curse as a lesson two months ago," I said. "He's planning something, I can just feel it."

"Maybe he wants to help Harry and you with the next task," Ron said as he, with so much class, shoved his porridge into his mouth. "You know, like he's done with the last two."

"He only helped Harry with the first," Hermione reminded him. "Not Hope. And he didn't do anything for the second. I agree with Hope, he's been acting strange lately."

"Lately?" I asked her. "Man's been freaking me out since the first class when he..."

"When he what?" Harry asked as I trailed off.

"Nothing," I said, waving it off. "I just think he's been a strange teacher. Teaching us more about dark magic then defencing ourselves from it."

"I think he's been helpful," Harry picked at his eggs a bit. "Been helpful, for the most part."

"Yes, to you," Hermione shook her head a bit. "I understand it, but it just doesn't add up. He should be wanting to help Hope as well."

"Maybe he knows Hope doesn't want to win," Harry said.

"Since when have you wanted that?" I narrowed my eyes at him a bit.

"I never said I did," Harry huffed as he pushed his food away. "Just maybe know I have a better chance at winning."

"Whatever, can we just drop it," I sighed, grabbing my pumpkin juice. "I didn't want to start anything today. Especially with the task."

Ever since Moody's first class, I have been off. I never came back to being my normal self with things just connecting as they used to. And the chills. I would get these chills any time he was near. I knew he was hiding something, and every alert was going off in my brain that something wasn't right. But what that was, I have no clue. And it pissed me off because it felt like all the clues were staring at me right in the eyes.

"Do you have any clue what it is?" Ron asked, and I thanked him. Because starting a fight would not be good on a day like this. I never liked fighting, well with people I actually like.

"I heard that we had to stay away from the Quiddich pitch," Hermione informed us.

"Well, if it has to do with flying, then Harry is sure to win," Ron laughed out before he coughed a bit. "And you two Hope, you still have a chance."

"It's fine, Ron. I really just want this to be over by now," I told him.

"Oh, I just know they are in here!"

"Is that?" Harry asked as we looked over to the door to the great hall.

"No," I said. "It can't be. Can it?"

"See there they are!"

"Mum?" Ron asked as she rounded the corner with his older brother Bill.

"See, I told you they would be here, Marry!" Molly called over her shoulder as the plump ginger-haired woman came striding over to us.

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