11. i'm half a heart without you

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(Just in case you needed to see fetus boys again)


Louis- 18











If you cant tell, this is going to be a bit different from what happened in real life...


Hope's Pov

I was angry. No, pissed off would be a better word but I'm not supposed to say that. All summer Harry would not stop talking about trying out for the X-Factor. He talked about it so much, that he got others to join him on his crazy quest!

Louis and Zayn didn't really care to go to Uni, so they spent all summer working and practicing for the competition as well. Harry also got a job during the weekends at the local bakery down the road. 

Niall jumped right on board with it, talking about how he was going to be the next Justin Beber and have girls at school falling for him. I actually think Niall loves Justin more than most teenage girls in the whole of England at times the amount he talks about him. 

Now, what shocked me to my core was when Liam said he would try a go as well. Don't get me wrong he can sing really good; they all can. Just Liam was always the type to be focused on school and doing well so he could have a successful career. He was never this carefree before.

But here we where at 7 am, in a queue full of people wanting to be the next big star. We all had to be up at 6 in order to drive this far. Calum and Michael tried to get out of it, but mum was having none of it. Saying we all needed to be here to support the boys. I think she was freaking out on the inside, knowing there was a possibility her boys had to compete with each other. 

Dad, on the other hand, was having a great time. Kept telling us about his old rock and roll band he was in as a young boy. Said they almost made it big, till he got into a good university and met mum that was. He got a slap in the back on the head for that one. 

"I'm sorry, you're saying all five of you boys want to try out?" The lady handing out the numbers asked looking at the boys "And your all brothers?"

"Yes we are," Louis said giving her a smile "We have a bet to see who can get the farthest"

"Well thats ambitious of you," The lady said with a laugh as she organized their papers before handing them their numbers "Here you go boys, wish you the best of luck"

"Thank you," Harry said as we walked into another queue

"Mum, did you bring snacks I'm hungry," Luke said with a whine 

"Yes, I have some fruit in my bag," Mum said handing him a bag of grapes. 

"I bet you five are scared," Michael said with a smirk "What if none of you get in?"

"Michael!" Mum hissed at him "Be nice to your brothers"

"What?" Michael said shrugging his shoulders "They could all get no's"

"Michael would you like your phone taken away?" Dad asked him

"No," Michael said looking down 

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