88. Boat

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"You kidnaped me," I narrowed my eyes at my mother as a baby Doris sat on my lap.

"It's hardly kidnapping," Mum rolled her eyes as she adjusted that hat on Ernest's head.

"You woke me up in the middle of the night, threw a packed bag at me, then put me on a plane, and now we are in the middle of the ocean," I used my free arm to gesture to the dark blue water that surrounded us as the boat drove faster to go who knows where.

"You're on a Yacht," Mum gave me a deadpanned look. "I hardly say your in danger when this thing is bigger than our house."

"But why wasn't I informed that we would be going on said boating adventure?" I asked her. "Could have been like, 'Hey Hope, make sure you pack your bather's and sunscreen.'"

"I wanted this to be a surprise trip for you," Mum said before she looked at my unconvinced face. Huffing out, "Fine, I wanted you far away from England as I could get you this summer."

"What about my friends? What about George?" I asked.

"To be quite honest, I don't care about your friends or George. I care that two years in a row, you almost died. So, if I have to take you on a surprise vacation to get you away, so be it." Mum shrugged her shoulders.

"Mother, you're being a bit ridiculous," I rolled my eyes at her as I felt Doris try to shift around while she laid on my lap. "The twins aren't even two weeks old yet. Is this even allowed?"

"I'm sure it is probably not, but as long as we keep them safe and inside this thing at all time, we should be good," Mum smiled at me as she adjusted Ernest in her arms. "I'm worried about you, thats my main focus."

Luke pushed the glass door open that lead outside, a cold beer in his hands. "How are the babies doing?"

"Well, Doris here has just been a peach and a half," I told him as he came over and took her off my lap.

"Oh yes, she has," Luke cooed at her as she let out a small smile.

"Ernest peed on your father," Mum scrunched up her face a bit as dad walked out of his cabin in his fresh clothes.

"Sadly, thats not the first time one of my boys have done that," Dad sighed as he took a seat next to mum. "Captain said we should be at our first destination soon."

"Which is?" I asked

"Middle of the Atlantic," Luke laughed out as my eyes widened. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding."

"Don't say shit like that," I hit his arm. "I'm already paranoid that I was kidnapped."

"Don't put it like that," Luke rolled his eyes. "Think of it as... a forced vacation."

"And that supposed to sound better?" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Probably not, but vacation sounds nice," Luke adjusted Doris in his arms.

"Where are your other brothers?" Mum asked him.

"Getting drunk on the deck writing a song about a dolphin finding love," Luke said.

I looked over at my parents, "And I'm the weird one in this family?"

"None of you are weird, Princess," Dad assured me.

"Thats debatable," I whispered under my breath. I pushed myself off the couch as I took an extra step to steady myself as we hit a wave. "I'm going to go back to my cabin."

"Get changed into your bather, we are going in the water when we stop," Luke told me.

"Fun," I deadpanned as I made my way to my cabin.

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