101. One Hundred and One things I would rather be doing.

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"But she looks so sad," I pouted over to Hermione as I pet Stella.

"She's not," Hermione hummed out as she flipped the page in her book as she sat on one of the benches in the Owlery. She probably shouldn't be sitting on them with how much owl crap within this place, but she was being mean to Stella so I don't care.

"How come your cat gets to stay in the dorms with us, but my owl can not?" I asked her.

"Because Crookshanks is a cat, and doesn't keep us up all night hooting," Hermione looked up from her book to give me a pointed look.

"Stella can't help it, she likes to sing at night," I told her.

"Yes, and we like to sleep at night," Hermione said as she stood up.

"Fine," I sighed before I turned back to look at my owl. "I'm sorry Stella, mean old Hermione isn't letting you come back with us this time."

Stella hooted before she nudged her head into my hand. I gave her another treat and petted her before I left her. We walked down the steps carefully as we tried not to slip again. These weren't the best-known stairs for keeping us safe. Actually, none of the stairs here were good at keeping us safe the more I think of it.

"So, have you talked to Dumbledore yet?" Hermione asked me as we got to the bottom.

"Haven't got the time yet since I got released this morning," I put my hands into my coat pockets to try and warm them up a bit.

I had gotten the all-clear to leave the hospital this morning. Which was fine, I only had to stay one night, but I would much rather have missed my classes this morning. Pomfrey said I suffered from a mild version of what Katie got. Which really it sucks more for Katie because I saw her in there and the girl did not look well.

"Do you think it was Liv that did it?" Hermione asked.

"No," I shook my head. "I thought it was her at first, but she would have tried to teach me some lesson or shit after. And trust me, I already learned my lesson in not stealing my brothers shit a long time ago."

"Didn't you sell your brother's shoes a couple of years ago?" Hermione raised an eyebrow at me.

"See, keyword there being selling. I didn't steal, just sold them," I smiled widely at her as she rolled her eyes.

"Miss Stylinson!" I looked across the courtyard as McGonagall came walking up to me in a hurry. "Miss Stylinson, there you are. I've been looking all over for you."

"Here I am, what's up?" I asked her.

"Dumbledore would like to see you in his office," McGonagall informed me. "Imeadaty."

"Why, is something wrong?" I asked her.

"Nothing serious," McGonagall told me allowing me to release the breath I didn't know I was holding in. "He just needs to talk to you about what happened to you."

"Okay, I'll head over now," I told her. "The password still butterscotch?"

"No, its Jellybeans now," McGonagall said.

I nodded my head and before I made my way into the castle and over to the stairs. I wonder why he had sent McGonagall to find me, must have really wanted to know what had happened. And then my steps started to slow down as I remembered what I was doing before I went into the Hospital.


Fuck, this kid was going to get me into so much trouble. And I didn't even like him! But it wasn't like I was about to sell Draco out, even if he was a Death Eater, he hadn't done anything yet. He still deserved a person in his corner, backing him up. His life was- and I know he would kill me if I said this out loud- so fucking sad! I mean, even when he used to tutor me he didn't have much fun things to say about his family. I knew that his mother probably loved him more then she would even love anything else, and that was amazing that he had her. But she was also stupid with that because she still stayed with his father and in order to protect Draco, she had to let him do what Voldemort wanted.

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