70. Blood

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"Somethings wrong with Harry," Ron looked around the table to make sure no one was listening in on our conversation. Hermione and I leaned in closer as he looked back at us. "He's having nightmares again. And he flipped out on me last night."

"Well, nightmares are normal," I told him. "I had them for a while after last year."

"Yeah, but this is different," Ron shook his head. "He's acting differently."

"Well, just keep an eye on him then. Maybe it will go away when we get more school work," Hermione suggested. I looked over as I saw Harry walking over to us. He didn't look like he got enough sleep last night for the first day of classes. "Harry, here's your time table."

"Thanks," Harry took the paper as he sat down next to Ron, taking the orange juice as he looked it over. "We have double defense with that woman."

"It is our OWL year," I looked over my own. "We also got double potions tomorrow, how lovely."

"You never have a problem in potions," Ron pointed out as he scarfed down a piece of toast. "You're next to Hermione at top of the class."

"Yes, but I still don't like it," I scrunched up my nose as I, unfortunately, watched him eat. "Ron, you do know your supposed to breath when you eat, right?"

Ron rolled his eyes as he swallowed his piece of bread, "Makes it more efficient before Hermione pulls us away to class."

Hermione gasped, "I do not pull you away from eating to go to class. Maybe if you came down earlier, you would be able to eat properly without shoving food down your mouth."

"You know, not all of us want to wake up at 6 to make sure we get to class at 9 on time," Ron said.

"I do not wake up at 6," Hermione huffed out.

"Yeah, she wakes up at 5:45, by 6 she's waking me up," I giggled a bit as Hermione hit my arm. I looked over at Harry as he stared at his food in front of him. "You alright there, Harry?"

"What?" Harry looked up at me, confused before he blinked a couple of times. "Oh, um, yeah. Just nervous about classes."

Ron looked at us as to point out what we were talking about earlier. I had to agree, Harry did seem off. Even when he had those nightmares last year, he was never like this. He at least told us what was going on in them. But I don't think he was in the mood for sharing time right now.

"I talked to my mum," I broke the silence as my friends looked at me. "Well, more like sent her a letter. Under a different name, of course. I got a letter back this morning. She said everyone was doing alright and they have left England for now. My brothers are back on tour, and my parents went with them. Zayn went to New York to be safe."

"I'm sorry your family has to get dragged into this," Hermione gave me a sad look. "It must suck."

"It does, but they are safe for now, and thats all that matters," I told her. "Class is going to be starting soon. We better get going."

"But I'm not done eating yet," Ron looked from us to his third full plate of food.

"Ron, I have no bloody clue how you fit so much inside of you, but I promise you, you'll live," I grabbed my bag as we stood up to leave. Ron rolled his eyes as my friends followed after me.

Hermione and I walked in the front as we talked and made our way through the hall. Laughing about senseless things, like how Timothy from 6th year got a bad bull cut over the summer. Poor Timothy, though, he had really great hair before his mother took scissors to it.

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