111. To Quiet

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I was walking through the halls of school, guiding Hermione so she wouldn't bump into people as she read her book. It was nearing the end of the semester, it had crept up on us faster than we could expect this year. Hermione was on her cram session at the moment, anything she could use to help get good grades for her NEWT classes next year. I pulled her closer to me in an attempt to make sure she didn't run into the first years walking by us.

"Hermione, haven't you learned enough?" I asked her. "I mean, you could rewrite it if you wanted by now."

"No," Hermione flipped the page. "I need to pass this class with an Outstanding."

"Well, you realistically just need an Excellent," She looked over at me with narrow eyes. "Right, and O is the only way. Where is Harry by the way? Haven't seen him since breakfast."

"No clue," Hermione went back to her reading. "Think he went to go talk to Dumbeldore after his talk with Slughorn last night."

"Did that go well?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Yes," Is all she said. 

"Well, we were supposed to talk so I was just curious," I shrugged. 

"You too need to," Hermione shut her book, finally. "Hey, I'm going to go to the library to do some more-"

"Reading, I gotcha ya," I smiled at her. "Have fun smelling the pages of those dusty old-"

"Miss Stylinson!" McGonagall yelled down the corridor as we turned to see her chasing after us. "Hope! I need you, quickly."

"What's going on?" My face shifted to worry as I got a look of her own worry on her face. 

"It's your father," She breathed out. "Hope-"

"No," I mumbled. "J-just... where is he?"

"At a muggle hospital, I just got word," McGonagall told me as she pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket. "This is a portkey, it will take you to him."

I took the paper out of her hand as I clutched it in my own. "How long till it leaves?"

"Should be just a minute now," McGonagall said. 

"Hope, do you want me to go with you?" Hermione asked.

"No," I shook my head as I tried to push away all the thoughts that came running through my mind. "No. I-I need to just see him."

"Okay," Hermione healed onto my hand as I gave it a tight squeeze before I let it go.

I felt the portkey suck me into that tiny tube before I landed on the other side. At least with the little practice I have now, I was able to land on my feet. I was in an ally way as I looked around quickly, only to see an ambulance drive by one of the sides. I ran in the direction the sirens were coming from. I spotted the Hospital as I ran through the emergency doors.

"Ma'am!" A nurse yelled at me. Her Scottish accent rolling off her tongue. "There is no running in a Hospital."

"My father, Jeff Stylinson, where is he?" I asked her. 

"Do I look like the desk lady?" She asked me.

"You're going to look like a frog in a second!" I hissed at her as I pulled out my wand. 

"Put that stick away before I have security escort you out," She narrowed her eyes at me. "And why are you dressed like your going to some Comicon party?"

"Lady I will-"

"Hope!" I turned my head at my name as I saw Remus running over to me. "Sorry about her, let's get you to your father."

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