112. Goodbye

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"Remus we have to go now," I pulled on his sleeve.

"Hope, I- are you sure?" Remus asked.

"When have I ever been wrong?" I threw my arms up in the air.

"Okay," Remus nodded his head. "Let's go."

"Hope!" Louis yelled down that hall as I tried to leave. 

"I have to go, Louis," I told him as he raced after me.

"No, you're staying here," Louis told me. 

"I'm not," I shook my head.

"I'm going to alert the rest of the order," Remus excused himself to produce a Patronus.

"Hope... we just lost our father!" Louis hissed out. "And you want to go do what? Run off to get yourself killed!"

"I have a job to do," I told him as I slipped my wand into my hand. 

"Your job is to be with your family," Louis grabbed onto the sleeve of my robe. "You're still a child."

"No, I'm not," I slipped off my robe before I ran off down the hall.


That was the last thing I heard before I aperated out of the hospital. I landed in the town of Hogsmeade, it was getting dark outside and the sky's were being dusted over with dark energy. Shops were closing up early for the night as I ran through the town. I knew one thing at this moment, I could fight not cry. And thats what I had to do. 

I raced across the bridge as I got closer to the school, it always looked so small for this far away. As I looked up at the Astronomy tower I came to a skidding halt. Something was falling from the top of it. But as I put what little brain power I had left to the test, I noticed it was not a thing but a person. Someone was falling.

"No," I breathed out. "No!"

I picked up my speed as I saw black smoke come flying down on the school. And the dark mark being cast into the sky. One landed in front of me as I was thrown backward's before I landed on the hard ground with a thump.

"Look who we have here," He spoke through his metal mask. "It's little Hope."

"Fuck you," I spit out at him as I gripped onto my wand. "Confringo!"

He was thrown back on his ass as I cast another silent charm to tie ropes around him. I pushed myself off of the ground as He let out a cackling laugh.

"The old man is dead!" He hissed.

"His name is Dumbeldore," I stood over him. "And unlike you, people will know his name."

"Yes, and people will know your name quite soon," He said. "The dark lord wants you, and he'll use any way he can to get to you."

"The whiny little brat can suck my dick,"

"Don't you dare-"

I kicked him in the head knocking him out cold, "Yeah yeah,"

I continued my run to the school as I saw people running through the halls. I ran in through the front door as I saw Bill Weasley fighting Death Eaters. 

"Levicorpus!" I cast as I sent two off of him.

"Thanks for the help," Bill breathed out as he looked over at me. "Where have you been?"

"I'll tell you later," Right now wasn't the time. "Where are the oth-"

"Hope, look out!" Bill ran forward as he shoved me out of the way. As I fell onto my ass I saw Fenrir Greyback land on top of him as his long nails scratched his face.

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