84. OWLs

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Test. I hated them. Bloody annoying if you ask me. I liked the practical parts that we had to do for our OWLs, but written seemed to be like a maze. Why did two of the answers always look like they could be the same thing? I hate how they write them to look so confusing. 

We were in our last OWL, want to take a guess what for? Defense Against the Dark Arts or the class where our teacher taught us nothing? See trick question because it could be both. 

The only reason I knew most of this stuff was because of Harry, DA, and my old Defence teachers. I did pretty well on my other test and practicals, you see because my teachers actually taught me in those classes.  

I was looking down at the question in front of me: What are four signs of identifying a werewolf? I let out a little smile to myself at the question, yeah this one was going to be easy to answers. As I was in the middle of answering it though, I heard a loud thud coming from outside of the room. I turned around to see Harry, who was sat behind me, also looking at the large doors of the great hall. He turned back around raising an eyebrow at me. I just shrugged my shoulders as I went back to writing my answers down. It was probably just some kids messing about. 

But thats when I stopped writing and put two and two together as I let out a sigh. This was going to be a show no one was wanting to miss. I looked up from my paper as Umbridge walked down the rows of desks. Her heels clicking on the floor as she gave us a hard stare. The sound had gotten bigger by the time she had gotten to the doors. All students hunting there writing to get a good look at who or what they thought it might be. 

Umbridge opened the door as a small firework flew in front of her face. It fizzled a bit before it flew into the room, going off as just a start as to what was about to go down. 

It was silent for a while, just for a moment as we watched Umbridge try and see who could be outside those doors. 

And then, with a loud holler and fast brooms, the Weasly twins came flying in the great hall with hell to bring upon the pink toad. 

I smiled as our papers practically flew off of our desks, the twins throwing more fireworks into the air. 

"Here you go!" George laughed out as he tossed another bundle down. 

The fireworks came down as little ones went off in front of our faces. I looked over at my friends as we clapped our hands, surely this would go down in the history books. 

I turned to see Umbridge stood in the middle of the room now. Gobsmacked at what was going on, and powerless to do anything to stop them. Flich came running in with a mop in his hands, don't know what that was going to do to help. 

"Ready Fred!" George yelled over to his brother.

"Ready George!" Fred yelled back as he tossed a giant firework into the air. 

It went off with a loud bang as it turned into a great big dragon. It hissed out at Umbridge as started to chase her out of the room. 

I was in the middle of laughing when I felt someone sweep down and scoop me off the ground. I let out a loud yelp as I hugged into George for dear life from behind. 

"George Weasley!" I yelled at him as he rushed out of the hall with Fred on his tail. 

"Hold on love!" George laughed back at me. He took me into the middle of the courtyard as he stopped by the ground. Turning around to look at me with a great big smile on his face. "Now I don't have long-"

I cut him off as I grabbed his face, kissing him with all my might. I pulled away from him as I hopped off his broom, smirking at his shocked face. "Go help save the world you ginger troll."

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