123. The home of a broken boy

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"Well, don't hang about," The guy behind us rolled his eyes as we took off running through the woods. "Snatch them!"

You all know by now how much I hate the joy filled activate of running. Let me tell you, I hate it even more, when I'm running for my fucking life! 

I guess I have not described to you yet what Snatchers were. Mainly because I honestly did not give two shits about them. But let's take this moment while I'm being chased through the woods- again- to explain who my new friends are who keep sending fun spells at me. 

Snatchers, and I mean this quite literally, are dumb as fuck. They are the students that could not pass their classes and might not even have graduated. But they were good at one thing, being hitmen and thugs. They were not considered Death Eaters, being thats a title only privy to people with some sort of blood status. Or just people that could count to 50. I'm not saying Death Eaters are all right in the head, but they made a name for themselves because they paid attention in school. 

So, Lord with Daddy issues, decided to recruit these people in the last war as his little servants to do his bidding, in exchange for not killing them. And I know what your all thinking, 'But Hope, wouldn't they have been arrested and charged, and aren't they old farts now?' And to that, I must remind everyone that our Wizarding Court system is very flawed. I mean look at what happened to Sirius. Or better yet, what didn't happen to Lucius Malfoy. I don't think wizards understand the word 'accomplice either. You either did it or didn't. And to answer the old fart thing. I must once again remind people, not everyone should repopulate. 

I let out a groan of pain when a spell hit my back, sending me down to the ground. A man roughly picking me up as my limbs felt like jello. 

"Don't-Don't touch her. Ugh!" Ron tried to defend Hermione as I was being dragged over to them

"Leave him! Get off me!" Hermione protested her attackers as she thrashed about.

"Your boyfriend will get worse than that... if he doesn't learn to behave himself," What appeared to be the ring leader came strutting up. He cocked his head to the side when he looked at Harry. "What happened to you, ugly?" One of the goons holding Harry pointed to himself. "No, not you." The man rolled his eyes. "What's your name?"

"Dudley. Vernon Dudley," Harry lied. I did notice Harry was looking particularly... well I can't say my friend's face looked like it was run over by a car twice, so well just go with swollen. 

"Check it," The man pointed to another goon. Before he walked over to Hermione. "And you, my lovely... what do they call you?" 

"Penelope Clearwater," Hermione looked him dead in the eyes. "Half-blood."

"What about you?" The man looked over to my jello like body being held up by two men. "What did you do to her?"

"I don't know," One of the men shrugged. 

The man rolled his eyes before he pointed his wand at me, my body quickly snapping back to normal. 

"Get your hands off me before I castrate you!" I started to try and fight off the people holding me the second I got my body back.

"Quiet!" The man snapped at me. "What's your name?"

"Lottie Horan," I sezethed out. "Uni-fucking-corn."

"I liked you better when you weren't talking," The man rolled his eyes at me.

"I'm going to like you a lot better when your buried 6ft down," I smirked at him.

"There's no Vernon Dudley on here," One of the goons responded as he flipped through his little book of names.

"Did you hear that, ugly?" The man looked back over at Harry. "The list says you're lying. How come you don't want us to know who you are?"

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