16. Friends

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"All these compartments are taken," Ron said with a heavy sigh as we walked down the train.

I looked around as I tried to find a proper place for us to sit. Most of the compartments were full of people. I finally spotted one with just a boy with dark brown hair and round glasses.

"Ron," I said tugging on his arm, "I think I found a spot"

Ron looked back to see where I was looking, then shrugged his shoulder and walked over to the compartment door "Excuse me? Do you mind if we sit here? Everywhere else is full"

"Not at all," The boy said with a smile

Ron walked in first as I followed after him. We took a seat across from the boy as I sat my backpack next to me.

"I'm Ron, by the way," He said breaking the ice "Ron Weasley and this is..."

"Hope, Hope Stylinson," I said giving the boy a smile  

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter," The boy said 

"It's nice to meet you," I told him "Do-"

"So-So it's true" Ron cut me off as I looked over to see his shocked face "I mean, do you really have the-the-" He said pointing at his forehead 

"The what?" Harry asked confused 

"The scar" Ron whispered 

"Oh yeah," Harry said with a smile as he lifted up his forehead to reveal a lightning bolt on his forehead. 

"Wicked!" Ron said in amazement 

"How'd you get it?" I asked looking between the boys "And how do you know about it?"

"You don't know?" Ron asked like I grew a new head "His story is legendary"

"Did you kill a dragon as a child or something?" I asked Harry with a laugh 

"Or something," He told me with a sad smile "I'll tell you about it later"

Just then a woman with a trolley full of sweets came up to our compartment door "Anything off the trolley, dears?"

"No, thanks," Ron said holding up a beaten up sandwich "I'm all set"

"Mate that looks worse than when Louis tries to cook," I told him as I looked at the thing 

"I know, I sat on it," Ron said with a sigh 

"We'll take the lot," Harry said pulling out his wizard money 

"Whoa," Ron said 


"You sure you don't want to try one, Hope?" Ron asked offering me some of the Burts Botts every Flavour Beans 

"You said there was a chance of throw up," I said taking a bite of my licorice wand "I'm not taking that chance"

"These aren't real frogs are they?" Harry said as he looked at his Chocolate Frog box 

"It's just a spell," Ron told him "Besides, it's the cards you want. Each pack's got a famous Witch or Wizard. I've got about 500 meself"

Harry opened his box and immediately the frog jumped out and onto the window, then jumped out of the train 

"Oh thats rotten luck" Ron told him "They've only got one good jump in them to being with"

"I've got Dumbledore!" Harry said in excitement

"I've got about six of him," Ron told me 

I opened my box and quickly caught my frog before it could jump away looking down at my card "I got someone named Lockheart?"

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