83. Put her down

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Umbridge had done what we all feared; she had become the new Headmistress of Hogwarts. Her voice was constantly heard over the new loudspeakers as her idiotic rules could be heard every time you entered the halls. More of her decrease had been put into place as I wanted to pull my hair out. Guess the only good thing was that the Phoenix statue guarding Dumbeldore's office would not let her back in. 

But the school had gotten much darker in the months since Dumbeldore had left. The painting had been stripped of their homes on the walls. Curfew was made to be right after dinner had ended. And the school had been put on lockdown mode, the big oak doors locked; like we were prisoners. Our owls were taken away as property of the school, all letters having to go through Umbridge's office before being sent out. But some people didn't get a right to be able to send letters to their families, some people being everyone in the DA. 

Then came the true pain as I had to deal with the scar on my hand being opened back up again and again with her detentions. No way I could hide this from my family now, it was plain as could see written on my hand.

'I will use proper words,' forever scared on my hand. 

Every detention was like a nightmare, and if you cried out in pain it only seemed to make her smile more. I hated that evil smile of her's, wanted to walk up to her and wipe it right off her face. She was truly the devil's right hand.

"You did everything you could," Ron told Harry as we made our way through the bridge. "No one could win against that old hag."

Today we had been summoned over to see Hagrid, and we somehow successfully got out of the school. It's not like we had anything else to lose, might as well see our friend. 

"Even Dumbledore didn't see this coming," Hermione pointed out to a sulking Harry. He had not been taking any of what had happened lightly.  "Harry, if it's anyone fault, it's ours."

"Yeah, we talked you into it," Ron tried to help take the blame in any sort of way. But I knew Harry wouldn't except any of this, he just wasn't that type of person. 

"Yeah, but I agreed," Harry told them. "I tried so hard to help... and all it's done is make things worse."

"No, what you did was show the rest of the school that the Ministry was hiding something," I crossed my arms over my chest as we came to a stop. "Harry, people are talking now. No one can trust what the Ministry is saying after what Fudge is letting Umbridge do to the students. The person they trust most now, is you."

"That doesn't matter anymore," Harry shook his head as he looked away from us, putting his hands on the railing. "Because I don't want to play anymore. All it does is make you care too much. And the more you care, the more you have to lose. So maybe it's just better to..."

"To what?" Hermione raised an eyebrow at him.

"To go it alone," Harry turned back around to look at us. 

I was about to go off on him about how stupid that was, when a 'Psst!' was hissed at us. We turned to see Hagrid stood at the end of the bridge. He moved back a bit as he signaled us to follow him. 

We all stayed quiet as we followed him down the path and into the forest. I maybe have given a questionable look as we got deeper into it. You know, the dark forest part. Because I never understood why they named it all the dark forest. Like the outskirts are fine, its when you get deep in where there is no light and the trees are taller than the Eiffel tower, that it takes its name. The noises of strange unknown creatures that call the forest their home as they hiss at us. I still can't believe unicorns live here.

"Any idea where he's taking us?" Ron whispered to us. 

"Narnia," I suggested.

"Hagrid, why can't you just tell us?" Harry asked the half-giant as he walked ahead of us. We came to a stop as Hagrid looked around. The floor of the forest vibrated a bit as we heard the thumping of hoofs in the distance. 

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