35. Mr. Malfoy

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I started to cough as I felt us land. That was a strange experience, let me tell you. If felt like your whole body was being pushed together as you moved lightning-fast through the air. My hand was still holding onto George's as we stepped out.

"You good?" George asked, looking down at me with a chuckle as I continued to hack out my lungs.

"Y-Yeah," I said, coughing again into my elbow. "What a pleasant form of transportation."

"Hey, I looked around for Harry, but I can't find him," Ron said as he ran up to us. He looked at the two fo us then down at our hands. "Why are you holding hands?"

We quickly pulled away from each other as George's face turned a tint of red. I rubbed my hand on my trousers- because they were still sweaty- as I looked at Ron. "He was helping to make sure I didn't get lost like Harry."

"Oh, okay," Ron said with a shrug as we watched Fred come out of the fireplace next.

"Find him yet?" Fred asked us dusting off his cloak.

"No, must have got stuck somewhere around here though," Ron said as we waited for the rest of his family to come out.

Once they did, we set up a plan to go in search of Harry. We split off into search parties as we walked through Diagon Ally. Ron and me were together as we pushed through people calling out Harry's name. He had to be around here somewhere.

"You see him, Ron?" I asked as we stood on the sidewalk as I tried to get on my tiptoes to see him over the massive crowd of people shopping.

"No, I can't spot him," Ron said shaking his head.

"Hope? Ron?" We both turned our heads over to look as we spotted our frizzy-haired friend.

"Hermione!" I ran over to the girl as I tackled her into a hug. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too," Hermione laughed as we pulled apart. "What are you guys doing out here?"

"Looking for Harry, he got lost," Ron informed her.

"Oh, well I can help you if you want," Hermione said.

"That would be great," I told her. "He must be around here-"

"Ron! Hope!" We looked over to Molly, who was standing in front of Flourish and Blotts, waving us over. "Come on you too! He's signing books!"

"Who's signing books?!" Ron asked back, but his mother had already run into the shop with a schoolgirl giggle as she dragged a groaning Ginny. "Well, we better go see what she's on about"

"I'll go look a bit more to find Harry," Hermione told us. "I let you know if I find him."

"Alright, let's go, Hope," Ron said as we walked over to Flourish and Blotts, where a line of middle-aged women stood as they all tried to pushed towards the front of the line.

"I wonder whats going on?" I asked as we entered the shop.

"Hey, back of the line you two!" Some woman yelled at us.

"Sorry, ma'am, we are just looking for his mother who's at the front," I told her.

"Thats what they all say," The woman huffed.

"Calm down," Fred said as he pushed into the shop.

"Yeah, he's not even that great," George said as he put his hand on my back and lead us over to his mum.

Molly had a stack of books in her hands as she stood towards the front of the line. I noticed a picture of a guy with blonde hair with a stupid smirk as his picture moved. Then I realized, this was who all these women were freaking out about. Some twat in a wig.

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