29. End of Year One

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After we somehow made it out of the trap of doom, we quickly rushed Ron to the hospital. Madam Pomfrey took him over to a bed as she examined him as Hermione ran to go send a letter to Dumbeldore.

During this time I got a good look at myself. My trousers were ripped and I had a bit of dried blood on my face. My hair looked crazy and my eyes looked tired.

In the end, Madam Pomfrey made me lye down as I was about to pass out in the chair next to Ron's bed.

When I woke up the next morning I noticed Harry passed out in the bed next to me. He looked better now that he was all cleaned up. I noticed myself that I had on a fresh pair of pajamas, but I didn't want to question how they got those on me.

I scanned the room trying to find my other friends when my eyes landed on someone with a very long beard.

"Ah, Miss Stylinson you're awake," Dumbledore said as he walked over to my bed. 

"What happened with Harry? How's Ron?" I asked him.

"Mr. Weasley has recovered as is back in his dorm getting packed for the train today," Dumbledore said reminding me that today was in fact our last day at Hogwarts for the year. It was strange to think how fast this year seemed to go. "As for Mr. Potter, I presume he will be waking up shortly. He fought very bravely last night, all of you did."

"Did you find out who it was?" I asked, a bit nervous that I could have been wrong all year and Harry did find Snape.

"Yes, it was Quirrell," Dumdbore informed me. Now I was beyond confused. How did our studdering Defence teacher do all that? But I guess you never know what a person is capable of. "I heard you stuck your neck out with your friends in defense of Professor Snape."

"Yes Sir," I said. 

"Thats very brave of you, to stick up for someone like him," Dumbledore said. "May I asked why?"

"He just fit it too well," I said shrugging my shoulders. "My brother told me a story about how everyone in his year blamed a kid for something that wasn't his fault just because he looked like he could do it. I never wanted to judge Professor Snape based off of how he looked."

"Thats very wise of you," Dumbledore said as a smile spread across his face. "You are a very mature girl of your age."

"I'm an only girl, it tends to happen," I laughed out. 

"Very true it seems," Dumdbdore said giving me a small laugh back. "Now, I bet you are just itching to get back to your dorm to pack to go see your family."

"I do miss them," I said as I swung my legs to get off the bed. "But I think I'll miss it here as well."

"As all students tend to do," Dumdbore said. "Oh, and Miss Stylinson..."

"Yes?" I asked turning back around to face him.

"Good luck at the platform this time, I heard you had a bit of trouble last time," Dumbledore said.

"Yes, thats something we're going to have to work on," I said with a sigh.


It was mid-afternoon when Harry was released from the Hospital. Ron, Hermione, and I were stood on the stairs waiting for him to come out as we talked about our summer plans. I didn't know much about my own, all my mum told me in a letter a couple of weeks ago was that we were probably going to be traveling a lot. 

I smiled down as we turned to face Harry as he walked closer to us.

"Alright there Ron?" Harry asked. 

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