86. Blame the voices

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"How long are we supposed to play dead?"

"I don't know I've never done this before."

"Well you're crushing all the air out of me," Sirius wheezed.

"Don't be a baby," I rolled my eyes as I pushed myself up. "I'm not that heavy you twat."

"Hope!" Hermione yelled as she rn up the hill. There were tears in her eyes as she grabbed my shoulders. "A-Are you alright?"

"Yeah, just a bit bruised up," I let out a small laughed before she pulled me into a hug. I groaned a bit at the contact to my probably broken ribs. "Yeah, right there."

"Sorry," Hermione sheepishly smiled at me as she pulled away. "I was just so worried. Why would you do something that stupid!"

"I would like to know the same thing," Remus gave me a hard look as he helped pull Sirius off the ground. "Not that I'm not thankful for you saving my best friend-"

"Only friend," Sirius cut him off with a smile. 

"Yes, my sad excuse of an only friend," Remus rolled his eyes. "But that spell barely missed you two. You could have lost your life as well. Why would you risk that?"

"Um, the voices in my head," I tapped my head as he raised a questionable eyebrow at me. "They said jump, I said okay."

"What voices?" Hermione asked me.

"Like those ones," I pointed to the archway. "It's like my gut feeling is just turning into this annoying voice. Like when your mum yells at you not to do something stupid, but this voice is telling me to do something stupid."

"We might need to get you evaluated," Sirius told me.

"Probably," I nodded my head in agreement as I looked around the room. I watched as members of the Order had the Death Eaters in custody. Neville was attending to Luna's wounds, while Ginny was helping Ron with his. But someone wasn't here. "Um, anyone know where Harry is?"

Lupin's eyes widened, "He went after Bellatrix!" He quickly started to run down the hill.

"Well why didn't you stop him!" I yelled at him while I ran after him.

"Kinda got distracted when two people I thought where dead just popped back to life!" Remus huffed as he ran around a corner. 

This Ministry was a bloody maze. And my feet hurt, my head was throbbing, and I most definitely broke a rib. But so help me god, I was not going to let Harry do something stupid to avenge mine and Sirius fake death. I knew him well enough to know he would take action first before thinking it through. It's why we are Gryfindor's after all. 

I heard a bark as I looked down to see Sirius in his animagus from running next to me. Wish I could just turn into another animal to run faster. Remus yanked a door open to enter into the main hall of the Ministry. We came to a skidding halt with what we saw. 

Voldemort sold there, just looking at Dumbledore. Harry laid on the ground as he looked in pain. I snapped my head over to the side as I saw the green flames of the fireplaces light up. Fudge and his accomplices, and a few people from the daily prophet. Taking in the scene at play. 

I watched Voldemort look over at them before he disappeared into thin air. 

"He's back," Fudge gasped out in shock.

"That what we have been telling you all year!" I yelled at him as I threw my hands up in the air. "You know maybe if you didn't have your head so far up your own arse you would have seen that!"

"Hope," Remus gave me a look, urging me to stop. 

"No," I snapped at him as I marched over to a shocked Fudge. I was so furious. "I get it, your tiny brain is finally racking it up that Voldemort is back. But you not only put Harry in danger this year, but the whole wizarding world. You chose to believe a woman who tortured students all year because she would suck your metaphorical dick just to get on your good side. You not only owe Harry an apology. But Dumbledore as well, as he was the only sensible one to believe us when we told you what Voldemort did last year."

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