Chapter 19.

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Adaine rested against the back of her cell, just staring at the doors small window. She could sense where people were, yet she wished a single individual would pass by, just for her amusement.

She waited for someone to come barging in to ask what had happened to Jay, but not a single soul had stepped into the hallway.

The prisoner sighed, resting her head against the wall as she had nothing to do but sit there.

Adaine checked her shoulder, feeling it had slowly started to heal up, "At least you stopped bleeding." Her fingers rubbed around the bite marks that were now engraved into her flesh, as well as the indent of Jay's thumb.

Her eye twitched as she placed her hand over her healing wound. "That bastard really had to go and hurt me like that." The wound bubbled for a second before stopping completely. Her shoulder had closed, but left a very obvious scar.

"Damn it, I hate this body." She sniffed, realizing something smelled.

She got up, sniffing around. She knew it wasn't the toilet, and the sink had hardly ever been used. So where was it coming from?

Her nose led her to the bed? No. She then realized where it was coming from.

Adaine sighed in annoyance as she slowly lifted her arms and smelled her pits. Immediately she grumbled at the fact that she smelled worse than the toilet, "... I fucking hate this body." She lowered her arms, pouting to herself as she sat against the wall once again. She noticed a small broken mirror shard by her feet.

She picked it up; seeing herself in the reflection, "I will say though, these monkeys do look appealing compared to my original face." She rubbed her skin, "Huh, never realized just how much better I look in this body." She shrugged, tossing the glass by the door.

"Should check in on Kiryu while I'm stuck here." She then realized she was talking, "Have I been talking to myself this entire time?" She sighed again as she sat crisscross, "Great, not even an hour in here and I'm losing my mind."

Adaine very lightly touched her eyepatch, feeling a small hint of pain as she barely touched the item on her face. She ignored the small spark of hurt and rested her hands on her lap, resting against the wall as comfortably as she could until concentration had led her mind into that of the jaeger.

Her feet felt the ground; allowing Adaine to open her eyes to the empty void. Almost instantly she could hear two people talking.

It was Kiryu and Jay, but they sounded far. Even for someone as advanced and as experienced as she was with telepathy, Jay could barely be heard. She took off into a sprint, concentrating as hard as she could but Jay's voice never seemed to get any closer. She ran even faster but her feet merely slid across the ground. Her mind wasn't getting anywhere near Jay or Kiryu, but they were clearly there.

Maybe her position on this base was interfering with her connection to Jay's mind, yet she knew that wasn't the case. There had to be something else keeping her from reaching their mind.

All attempts to yell were silenced. She could scream here lungs out but not a single peep would escape her lips.

It was very clear something was wrong. She had just reached out to connect Jay with Kiryu, so why wasn't it working now?

Adaine thought it over, maybe they wanted to be alone, but that made little to no sense at all. What could they be talking about in private?

Adaine tried to get a clear look at Jay but the room was dark enough to barely see Jay's outline in the shadows. He was clearly there, standing in the middle of this place, but he wasn't getting any closer.

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