Chapter 8.

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- 3rd Person point of view. -

The pilots of Gypsy Danger tried to breathe, getting their hearts to regulate from the blast of energy that just hit them.
Raleigh and Mako looked to each other.
"Are you alright?" Raleigh asked as he huffed.

"Yes." Mako responded.

The pilots in sync, became focused once more, "That was an EMP strike, we should be good." He thought of the nuclear reactor, and also how Kiryu had one as well. "Kiryu?!" Raleigh asked. He waited for a response, "Kiryu?"

"The coms must be fried." Mako said as Gypsy looked to Kiryu. Ahead of their Jaeger, they could see Kiryu facing the other way, it struggled to move, before coming to a complete standstill.

The next thing that got their attention was the Kaiju heading right for him. "Come on!" Raleigh said.

Gypsy rushed to Kiryu, as they took a glimpse at the other Jaegers, seeing them all offline.

The Kaiju caused a bulge in the ocean, making it easy for Gypsy to see their targets. The jaeger stopped, standing right next to Kiryu, they looked at the Kaiju like robot for a moment, seeing its eyes not glowing yellow like they usually were.

"Damnit Kiryu! You should have been able to withstand that EMP!" Gypsy nudged Kiryu, trying to get him to react in anyway.

Mako noticed the reactor in its chest was slowing down.

Raleigh yelled once more, "Kiryu!" As scared as he was worried, he knew they weren't going to make it, fighting three Kaiju at once, it was suicide, but they had a job to do.

Gypsy Danger prepared for the triple threat. "Ready Mako?!" Raleigh asked.

"Ready!" She responded as their movements mimicked one another.

The Kaiju began to rise, one by one, like before, revealing themselves.

Gypsy became tense, trying to see what Kaiju to attack first.

Suddenly they heard a growl, an increasingly aggressive growl, getting louder and louder.

The pilots stepped back, quickly looking around for a fourth Kaiju, only to realize it was coming from Kiryu.

Even the Kaiju acknowledged this.

Gypsy looked back at Kiryu, seeing the reactor spinning once more, Kiryu lifted its head, looking like it was having trouble. The jaeger growled before it turned into a roar.

"Kiryu!" Raleigh yelled, he forgot for a moment the coms were off.

Kiryu finished roaring, looking down at Gypsy. He began to open his mouth, revealing a glowing yellow light.

The pilots realized what was about to happen. They jumped out of the way as Kiryu let out a massive surge of its atomic energy.

Gypsy landed in the water, watching as Kiryu lifted his head, still firing its atomic beam. He stopped as he looked at the Kaiju.

"What the hell was that?" Raleigh asked as they got up. Both pilots stood up, seeing Kiryu rush through the water, smoke left the corner of its mouth as it roared, its tail lifted up before slamming down on the water.

The bulky Kaiju launched out at Kiryu, bringing its massive fists down on Kiryu's head. Tearing through the jaeger.

Kiryu roared, using its tail to wrap around the Kaiju's neck and pull it back into the ocean.

The other two Kaiju came out of the ocean, tackling Kiryu down. Kiryu caused waves with its massive body, it held off both Kaiju before unleashing its atomic beam once more, burning the flesh off the monsters.

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