Chapter 76. Cometh the Hour

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The alien craft sped over the earth, heading to its previous destination with its two occupants waiting in silence.

Jay could only clench his hands, leaving Kiryu to glow with its entire body humming with power. It's presence forced the void inside the ship to alter colors due to the atomic radiation.  Despite the view he was given, Jay couldn't focus on anything else except the fact that his friends were dying so close to the end.

Lives ruined hours or possibly minutes before the war would be put on hold.

Wataru tried to speak to Jay but nothing came to mind. He contemplated how he would inform everyone that Mack and Gage had sacrificed their lives.

Too much loss built onto their shoulders. Too many desperate plots taking place to simply beat the kaiju infiltrating the planet. It put a sour taste in Wataru's mouth. He slouched down against the control console, sighing, holding his wound until his butt touched the floor.

A few feet away from him, his jacket moved.

Wataru thought he was seeing things, looking away from Adaine. That is until Adaine coughed, inhaling sharply and flinching.

"Oh my god!" Wataru exclaimed, "Jay! Adaine is alive!"

Wataru crawled over to her, pulling her upper half onto his lap, "Hey! Can you hear me?"

Adaine pushed the jacket off her body, showing her wounds had healed, but now her skin color has returned to a grayish reflection of her true form. The wounds in her body were still present with obvious scars and red marks.

She failed to open her eye to Wataru, but she looked right at him with a small frown, "I'm sorry.... I messed up."

"What? No, you didn't do anything," Wataru hugged her, "I'm glad you are alive."

Adaine couldn't help but embrace him, even if she could barely flex her arms, "I let Yaden surprise me. I think she took Gigan from me."

Wataru held up the ships device, "No, we have Gigan... well now we do."

"What do you mean 'now'. How long was I unconscious for?" Adaine peaked into his mind.

Wataru saw that subtle change in her gaze, allowing her to see the past events.

Adaine slipped out of Wataru's hands, "She killed Kujo! Mack and Gage! Yaden has unleashed it! We need to inform as many people as possible!"

"Unleashed what?" Wataru watched Adaine put together the pieces of her surroundings.

The Xilien grabbed at her head, "What do I do?! What can I do?! We are too late!"

"Adaine. Explain, please," Wataru held his wound and stood up, trying to look Adaine in the eye but she was murmuring to herself, going over ideas and plans.

"Adaine!" Wataru shouted, getting her attention. She turned to Wataru and grabbed his face, "You aren't infected right? Mack and Gage were! No, if you were infected, you'd be dead or dying by now."

"Infected with what?" Wataru was then grabbed and hugged rather tightly by someone who was just dead a few seconds ago.

Adaine let out a sigh of relief, "No, there's no time for that. There's no relief in this, people are going to die."

"Adaine! You aren't making sense," Wataru spoke into the comms, "Jay, you are hearing this right?"

"Jay is here? Good," Adaine grabbed Wataru's shoulders, "You and Jay listen. Yaden has combined herself with a plague. Anything human or animal on this planet is going to die.... including you, Wataru. We need to keep you in this ship or get you in some kind of suit."

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