Chapter 60. Blood and Acid

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For nearly two days, Adaine avoided the pilots, managing to keep her distance by checking on where they were with a single thought. The cameras kept an eye on her as Wataru tried to get in contact and for the others, they focused on training.

While she would disappear from the cameras and reappear elsewhere on the base, seen working on her device. Thoughts plagued her mind all at once, giving herself a headache that was self inflicted. How could she look at herself now that she could no longer hide from her past?

Eventually, after a day, Wataru gave up, joining the others who were fully committed to training again, trying to figure out how they would face two kaiju snakes.

Godzilla and Titanosaurus were still being tracked; both kaiju remaining close to each other. Tiamat was still under surveillance by Monarch and the Shatter-Dome. Gigan was being repaired, almost all the jaegers were repaired, besides Gypsy Danger who still had its midsection damaged.

Jay had his stomach healed yet he remained asleep; conversing with Kiryu while he rested.

Outpost 34 was active with every operative watching while Moto tried to awaken or activate the titan.

Within 48 hours, the world was being told to evacuate underground to their bunkers and evacuation centers. After Dubai was reduced to rubble in moments, every city, town and home now listened to the warning broadcasted throughout the planet.

Moto and Nick were forced to retreat with the rest of the outpost while the Shatter-Dome retrieved Tiamat from the depths of the Gulf of Mexico. The ship spun around, speeding through the sky in a hurry.


Pentecost had the entire base in action, having all the jaegers prepared and ready with the pilots already suited up and ready to man their mechs. On standby behind him was a suited Raleigh and Mako, ready to go out when their jaeger was still repairing.

At least once throughout their lives, the pilots had heard time flies when having fun, yet all of them felt like the minutes were speeding by too quickly.

Adaine stayed away from the pilots, but cooperated with Pentecost having her second ship hovering over Godzilla and Titanosaurus.

The entirety of the planet now waited, counting down the minutes until these serpents arrived.

Thirty minutes remained, forcing Adaine to talk to the pilots, giving orders before they could respond, telling them to walk out of the base with their jaegers.

Wataru listened to her voice, having to leave the Winters to their jaeger and leave the conn-pod.

Within 5 minutes, the jaegers had left the base, getting beamed into the ship; waiting, and contemplating the next few hours of their lives, questioning if they would be able to handle these serpents.

The questions and the waiting only elongated their anxiety and filled them with doubt.

The minutes counted down with Pentecost, Wataru, Raleigh and Mako in the control room analyzing the monitors, the tv's and Adaine's device.


Kastr walked to his throne room, "Have you found both of them?"

Vorticia followed with a hologram remaining before her, "Yes."

He and Vorticia watched the humans move into place while the minutes counted down to the second.

"Bring them in," Kastr sat in his throne, "This should be fun.

Vorticia pulled up a hologram, typing in coordinates for a planet across the universe, extracting the serpents with a breach.

- Distant planet -

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