Chapter 65. 2v2

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Jay sat on the edge of the base, swinging his feet back and forth while he heard Adaine tinkering away at a new device strapped around his head. She did everything in huff, flicking unneeded tools aside and holding Jays head in place with a firm grip.

"Uh, is everything alright?"

Adaine held his head in place, "Stop moving."

"I'm not moving, you keep strangling my forehead with this thing," Jay nudged the strap a little further away from his ears.

"I'm making sure its secure enough to stay on!" Adaine spun his head sideways, "Stay like that."

Jay looked forward, forcing Adaine to grab his head and turn it sideways yet again. Jay looked forward again.

Adaine sighed, "I'm gonna slap you! Stop moving!"

"Then tell me what's wrong," Jay felt her hands grab his head again, except this time he leaned out of her grip, "I know what you are doing is important but you are being too rough. Tell me what's on your mind."

"Kiryu is on your mind, and I'm going to keep him out. So for the time being, shut up and quit moving!" Her hands came up to Jays head but he quickly leaned back, putting his head on her shoulder for a moment, "No."

The Xilien stared into his eyes for a moment, knowing he was waiting for an answer, "Help me kill Yaden."

Jay sat upright and turned to the alien, "What?"

"Yaden is going to be sent here and I want to be the one to kill her," she took off the headband, reattaching a wire to a small chip. "She contacted me. She showed me what she did to Merzi, and I'm not letting that slide!"

"Okay okay, calm down, I understand," Jay turned his back to her, "I get it. But that sounds like a useless request, cause I think all of us are going to help kill her, and the others."

"No! Not Yaden. Wataru and the others. I'm leaving here, just me and you. She's too dangerous for any human to deal with," she slid the headband back on Jay.

"Wow, thanks."

"Shush, you know what you are. So when the time comes, and I know Yaden is coming, I want it just to be us two who deals with her, because she is unpredictable and insane. Her and Bolo will have to be dealt with personally."

"Bolo is most likely going to be on that island today, isn't he?" Jay sighed, "Shit, this is going to be rough."

"King Ghidorah and Oblivion, its going to be hell on Earth if either of one of those two leave that island." Adaine pulled Jay back so she could adjust the headband, "Alright, this thing is now active. I'm going to stop blocking your connection to Kiryu. You can get into his head to control him but he won't be able to get into yours... so can you hear him?"

Jay closed his eyes, hearing voices reaching out to him, getting louder, "I can still hear Kiryu."

"Damn, but that's okay. We still have time." Adaine slipped off the headband, sitting next to Jay. "So, have you heard anything recently?"

"About what? About how Monarch is trying to evacuate Skull Island?" Jay asked sarcastically, "Yeah, I hope they save everyone who is there. Including Kong. They've been evacuating since sometime last night."

"They have my ships. I would hope they are getting off that island, if Monster 0 is going to be showing up." Adaine placed a screwdriver by her side and took apart the headband.

"Monster 0?"

"I can't remember correctly but somewhere in the data banks, I saw Xenus had code named Ghidorah as Monster 0, or Monster X or something like that. Of course he would call it Monster X."

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