Chapter 14.

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Kiryu's wires descended from the ceiling, connecting with the implemented holes on his Jays body. The metal spine pinched his back, sending a small shock through out his nerves.

Before Jay was uploaded into Kiryu, he could hear a heart beat.

It was faint but there was no way it was his own.

His train of thought was cut short as his vision was put into that of Kiryu.

Dr. Tatopoulos smiled as the Mecha-Godzilla's eyes lit up. Glowing a bright yellow as the mech stepped away from its post.

For a month, the doctor had watched and rewatched recorded footage of Kiryu fighting. Destroying massive unimaginable creatures with ease. It was only the pilots reckless need to get into hand to hand combat that he was able to get wounded.

The Kaiju mech was the most advanced pieces of machinery ever constructed. Made to take down the toughest kaiju.

The jaeger stepped forward, walking from its post and heading out of the base.

The doctor waved the jaeger a goodbye. Smiling as the jaeger lifted its tail, making sure not to drag it across the ground.

Kiryu's feet stepped out of the base, onto the ocean shores, heading into the waters. The mech let out a small roar as it picked up speed, beginning to run into the ocean.

Inside the mech, Jay ran, his feet slid on the floor. His body well rested and full of adrenaline, he pushed away all doubts and personal issues he had with Kiryu. There was always so much going on ever since Jay began to pilot Kiryu.

Jay thought about it for a second, realizing kaiju attacks seemed to happen more recently. Because he had Kiryu, he was being sent into battle with many Kaiju. Ever since he had gotten his own jaeger, the world was being threatened more and more often.

Jay's thoughts were cut short when he realized the metal spine was heating up.

"Jay." He heard.

"Who is that?" Jay asked, immediately feeling stupid when he realized it was Pentecost. "How am I hearing you?"

"A speaker and a microphone have been augmented into your conn-pod. You will no longer need a chip to talk to us."

"Sweet." Jay continued to run. "Is everyone still alive?"

"Yes. Jet Jaguar has lead two of the Kaiju away. But Obsidan Fury has remained in place."

Kiryu sped up, seeing a few Jaegers out into the distance. The mech stomped its feet with every step, cracking the ground as the mech growled. Blowing smoke from its nostrils, as it began to heat up with excitement.

"Sir, are there any signs of Godzilla showing up?"

"No, I'm afraid not."

Jay frowned, "Well hopefully I can take down these assholes."

- With the other Jaegers. -

Ford and Elle watched as the two smaller Kaiju followed after Jet Jaguar. Spewing smoke from their bodies as they swam just above the surface of the ocean.

Delta Wolf and Royal Monarch kept their distance from Obsidian Fury, the monster in its chest seemingly waited, just watching them calmly.

It's nonhuman focused slanted eyes were enough to scare the pilots. They didn't want to move, feeling like the monster could lash out at them, as if it was holding back, or waiting for something. Any move they tried to make could end their lives as the monster in the mechs chest could fire another blast.

Wataru murmured to Teruo, "Dude, should we run?"

Teruo shrugged, "Where to?"

Wataru bit the inside of his cheek, "I don't know but we need to do something quick, this things face is scaring the hell out of me."

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