Chapter 18.

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The three pilots watched as some water seeped through the blast doors for a moment, forcing the pilots to back away even further.

Wataru placed a hand on Teruo's shoulder, "Are you alright?"

His copilot held his aching stomach, "I'm going to throw up my guts." He let out a small burp, "I would feel safe in the Jaeger."

Moto held a hand out to the pilot, "Understandable. I've never been this close to so many Kaiju... actually I've never been so close to any Kaiju before. So I'm freaking out too."

Teruo was pulled up to his feet, "You don't look so wor-" The pilot felt Moto's hand shaking, "Oh... I guess you are worried." Teruo checked his cast incase it was splashed with water.

Moto took a step back, tripping over a thick wire and falling back next to a pair of legs.

Wataru and Teruo looked to the person, even Moto's gaze slowly looked up to see Shobi. She frantically looked around, making sure no one could see her as she held a finger to her lips, "Come with me."

"Shobi?" Wataru stopped Teruo from approaching her, "Where did you go?"

"I'll show you if you come with me."

"Go with you where? There's no where to go!" Wataru grabbed Moto's shoulder and held him back, "Where did you go Shobi? You disappeared when you were standing right next to us."

Shobi pointed a jeep by the far side of the base, "Please, all of you come with me. I need help moving Jay."

Moto looked back to Wataru, "Dude, she has my brother. Why are you so offensive?" Moto stopped and went over that sentence, "Wait... how did you get Jay? He was in Kiryu?"

"Please, we need to hurry and get him to Newt or Hermann." Shobi noticed a few of the people in the base were looking at the Shatter-Dome blast doors as if they were waiting for the doors to open again.

Wataru followed her gaze, "Why are you afraid of being spotted?" He pulled Moto back with Teruo.

"Can you stop acting like I'm a threat? I saved Jay, and I'll explain how I did it when we get him somewhere secure." Shobi reached out, grabbing Wataru's arm, and pulling him.

He pulled his arm away, "How did you get Jay?"

Shobi grunted, "I can't tell you that!" She snapped, grabbing his arm with both hands and yanking him, "Just know that my sister and I have been watching the two greatest assets on this planet that could do some good besides Godzilla." She pulled his arm once again. "And now that Jay is in trouble, I felt that it was time that I helped him."

Moto looked to Teruo, "Let's see if she has Jay." He walked up to Teruo, "Hey, if she has my brother, then we can trust her."

Wataru pulled his arm away from Shobi once again.

Teruo walked up to his copilot, "Come on man. She's never given us a reason to distrust her."

"You don't find it odd that Jay was in Kiryu no more than 30 minutes ago, and now she says he's out here with us. Even when we were told we might never see Jay again?"

"Yes! And if she was the enemy, she has had many times to kill us! If she was lying to us, what harm could she do?" Moto nudged Teruo's hand, "Come on, let's help her."

Moto went with Shobi, jogging with her to the jeep.

Wataru glanced at Teruo, "I don't like this at all. Too many things are happening at once and it is getting to me."

"I know how you feel." Teruo patted his friend on the back, "But let's see if she actually has Jay."

Wataru shook his head in disbelief, "I should have brought a taser or something. Cause this just seems fishy."

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