Chapter 7.

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Out of all the Jaegers, I was the tallest, of course that's what happens when a robot is made to mimic the size of the king of the monsters.

I didn't let that get the best of me though, I've been fighting with rage and anger and adrenaline that I was surprised to still be alive. Killing Kaiju was easier than I thought but then again, I am not exactly like any other jaeger. I mean Kiryu wasn't like any other jaeger.

About half a mile out in the ocean we could see the water illuminating from all the Kaiju who swam around the area.

One of the Kaiju was watching us, it's eyes just above the surface of the water, like an alligator would stalk its prey.

"We should spread out as to not get caught in each others fights." Sasha said.

"What if one of us gets two Kaiju to fight?"

"How do we know they all won't attack one person?"

"What if another Kaiju comes through the breach?"

All the trainees were asking too many questions, "Shut up!!" I yelled. Kiryu yelled, catching the Kaiju's attention.

The monsters one by one rose from the ocean, revealing themselves and immediately headed towards us.

"Look what you did!!!" Ford yelled. Royal Monarch walked up to me and pushed my shoulder.

I faced him, "You want to fight now?! Right as the enemy is coming at us?" Kiryu towered over their Jaeger, if I was in their mech, I wouldn't want to mess with Kiryu.

"Guys cut it out." Elle yelled.

"The orders are to eliminate the Kaiju! So we need to do so however we can!" Wataru said.

"They are coming at us already. We should spread out now!" Raleigh yelled.

The closest Kaiju was heading right for me, a big bulky monster, with multiple arms. Its head extended to the sides with two big horns.

"I got this one." I said as I faced the beast. The monster jumped at me instantly.

I reached out and caught the monster, turning around and throwing it into the ocean.

Gypsy Danger ran up besides me, bringing his foot down on the monsters neck. His right hand turned into some kind of canon, "Hold this son of a bitch down!" Raleigh yelled as the canon began to charge.

Quickly, I let go of the monster only to bring my foot down on its chest. The monster roared, trying to push us off. I blew my atomic breathe on the monsters face, scarring it.

Gypsy began firing the canon, shooting it in the face of the enemy. The monsters left horn nearly broke off from the first shot, by the second, it's eye was shot, by the third, the monster had stopped resisting, letting its arms and legs fall into the ocean.

"One down." I said.

I lifted my leg and brought it down once more, smashing my metallic foot into the monsters chest, causing the Kaiju to howl whatever energy was left in it.

I stepped away from the Kaiju, "If we work in teams we can take these bastards down quickly. Make sure all your attacks are fatal." I looked out to the Kaiju.

Cherno began running at a Kaiju heading for it. Delta Wolf ran up besides Cherno, getting ready to strike the Kaiju.

Royal Monarch stepped up to my left, "This is gonna be fun." Elle and Ford said with regret and sarcasm. They began running.

I looked to Gypsy Danger, the Jaegers began heading out, one by one engaging a Kaiju.

Jet Jaguar extended a blade from its only arm before following Gypsy.

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